Chapter 3

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I hear pounding on my door. I jolt awake. I swipe the slobber off of the side of my mouth. I stand up but get dizzy from standing up to fast. I sit back down and wait for a minute. The pounding continues. "Hailey! Come get out of your room it's time to go!" dad yells from the other side of my door. Go? Go where? Monaco Grand Prix! Shit I was supposed to be getting ready to go not sleeping. "Ok! I'll be out in a minute!" I yell at him. 

I stand up off of my bed and sprint to my closet. I have to wear a dress there so I grab a long sleeved black one that I like. I also grab some heels. Will I need makeup? Probably. I fish around and find a backpack that seems large enough and throw all of my stuff in. I grab my makeup bag and throw that in as well. "Let's go!" dad yells at me. He's still waiting by my door. Odd but ok. "I'm coming!" I yell back. I run out the door in the clothes I was in yesterday and most of my makeup wiped off.

I rip open the door to see dad about to pound on it. He stops when he sees me open it. "Why did that take you so long? Why are you in the same clothes you were in yesterday? And why aren't you in your dress? Also why do you have a backpack?" dad fires questions at me. "Umm... well I might have taken a nap that resulted in me sleeping until you started banging on my door so I had to shove all the stuff I need into a backpack," I explain my voice going a slightly higher pitch. Dad looks at me with concern. "How much sleep are you getting every night?" he asks as he starts walking away to the car. I follow behind him, "Like...1,2,3,4, 16 hours every night," I respond slowly. "16 hours! That is way to much sleep," dad exclaims as we get into the car that Pepper and Happy were also in. "Wait, don't you also take like a two hour nap everyday?" dad asks. "Uh.... maybe?" I say my voice definitely going a few pitches higher. "How can you possibly sleep that much?" dad asks driving out of the house. 

We were heading to the airport to go to Monaco. Pepper and Happy were with us making this argument more awkward. "I don't know. It's just like once I lay down I just can't not sleep," I respond. "That makes no sense. You should only be getting about 9 hours not 18. How can someone possibly do that?" dad suddenly exclaims. "Your sleeping for 18 hours," Pepper asks from her seat beside me. "Uh... yeah?" I say. "You should go see a doct-" before I even let her finish saying doctor I exclaim, "NO!" "Why not?" dad asks. Well he was obviously agreeing with Pepper great for him. Turning on his own daughter. "Because I don't like doctors," I say slowly and carefully trying to carry the lie. "That was a lie. Tell me the truth," dad basically snaps at me. "Um, um- well- uh, doctors are- well- um- I have my reasons," I stutter out. "Well what are your reasons then?" Pepper asks me. They really wanted me to go to the doctor. "They are personal and my own," I respond stubbornly. 

I was not going to the doctor for them to figure out about that scorch mark on my side. I didn't even know what it was. I was going to do tests the other day but my body decided to fall asleep. "Well we are family and family can know personal reasons," dad argues. I open my mouth to say something but clamp it shut. "Fine then you don't get to go to the Monaco Grand Prix," dad says. He knew I wanted to go to that. I had such a fascination with motorcycles and cars. I gasp. "You. Wouldn't. Dare," I snarl out. I could light him on fire in seconds. "Oh I would," dad responds. I glare into the back of his head. I'm pretty sure even Pepper was scared to look at my glare. I clench my fists to stop them from igniting. "You only get to go if you tell me your reasons for not wanting to go to the doctor," dad says. How was he surviving my glare without getting nervous? "Fine," I spit out, "I don't want to go because of my thing with the thing." I hope this would be a good reason. 

"What thing with the thing?" dad asks. "You know. The Thing  that can't be said at the moment," I explain making large hand motions. "Oh. That Thing. Yeah that isn't good enough of a reason," dad responds. I feel all the color drain from my face. There going to find out about that scorch mark great. Just think of another stupid reason Hailey. "Um, I don't want to go because someone assaulted me there," I say. "What!?" dad exclaims. I just nod my head. He then sighs, "Alright fine you don't have to go." Yes, mission accomplished. 

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