Chapter 7

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I spin on the stool I was sitting on one more time. Boredom was starting to kick in. "Hey Jarvis?" I ask. "Yes, Hailey?" Jarvis asks. "Can you give me a bunch of information on WWII?" I ask, "Like what's something that was really cool and like new and science-y?" "Well the most famous thing in WWII was Captain America," Jarvis responds. "Okay give me more on him," I say. "He took down multiple Hydra bases, a secret nazi organization, with the help of his team the Howling Commandos. He was first given super strength, speed, and many other things from a secret program to make super soldiers," Jarvis spills. "Tell me more about the Howling Commandos," I tell Jarvis. "In the Howling Commandos there was Dum Dum Dugan, Junior Juniper, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, Happy Sam Sawyer, Pinky Pinkerton, Bucky and Ruth Barnes," Jarvis informs me. "Bucky and Ruth Barnes. Were they married or related?" I ask. "Bucky and Ruth Barnes were brother and sister," Jarvis answers. "What did Ruth do? I thought they didn't allow women into the army yet?" I ask. "She was a nurse who then became an agent for the SSR," Jarvis tells me. "Didn't my grandpa, Howard Stark, have something to do with Captain America?" I ask. I watch my dad drive into the lab and park his car. He had a massive thing sticking out the back of the car. "I suggest you don't talk about this near or with your father," Jarvis warns me. 

"Talk about what?" dad asks getting out of his car. "Nothing," I reply simply. "Okay Miss Mysterious. Do you want to help me get this thing out of my car?" dad asks. "Nope," I pop the 'p'. Dad gives me this look and I grin at him making him smile. 

I stand up very carefully not to upset my ribs and walk towards the stairs out of the lab. "Where are you going?" dad asks as I open the door. "Um, Pepper texted me and asked if I wanted to go to New York with her to go see Justin Hammer's expo presentation," I reply. "Oh. You don't want to stay with me?" dad asks. "I don't like dying people," is all I say as I walk up the stairs. 

I make it into my room and pack my bags quickly. Pepper would be here soon and I didn't want her to wait up for me. I pull my hair up into a bun and walk downstairs with my bags. I walk to the door to leave. 

"I'm leaving dad!" I yell at him. He runs up the steps quickly. He comes up to me and hugs me softly. I hug him back. "Bye dad," I hesitate for a second before saying what I've wanted to for awhile, "I love you." I feel dad stiffen in his embrace with me but he softens again. "Bye Hailey," dad says and breaks apart our hug. He turns and walks back into the lab. He can only say 'I love you' when really drunk I guess. I shake my head and walk out the door to see Pepper, Natasha, and Happy waiting for me in the car. I throw my bags into the back then climb into the car. Pepper was sitting in the front and Natasha in the back. "Let's go, Happy," Pepper says and we drive off to the airport. 

The hotel was nice but not as good as my own bed. I shared a hotel room with Pepper making it hard for me to change without her seeing my scorch mark. We were going to the Expo today. I had to put on a dress, which sucked.

I grabbed the dress I had packed which was my signature loose black dress. I put on some knee high black heeled boots. I throw my hair into two braids and step out of the bathroom. Pepper was putting on some earrings. 

"You ready to go?" Pepper asks me. "Yep. Let's go," I confirm. We walk out of the hotel room and into the car. Happy was already in the driver's seat ready to leave.

We make it to the Expo and Natasha opens the door for Pepper but I open my own door and walk around the car. We walk up the steps into the Expo and find our seats. We wait for the demonstration to start. Music plays and Just Hammer dances onto the stage. What the actual hell is that?

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