Chapter 13

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I had become great- no best friends with Sarah. That's what her name was Sarah. We hung out a lot I even let her meet dad. That was a mistake because dad asked really weird questions and just made us both feel awkward. 

I was walking down the stairs as quietly as I could. Maybe I should have just climbed out the window. I was still exercising so it wouldn't have been that hard to. I just wanted to do a bike race. I hadn't done one for months.

I make down into the living room and open the back door and here Jarvis loudly announce, "May I ask where you are going to inform Mr. Stark of your whereabouts?" "Don't worry about it Jarvis," I respond. I start stepping out the door. The alarm starts going off. "UGH!" I basically shout. I step back inside and slam the door shut. The alarm then shuts off. I trudge up the stairs. I just wanted to go to a damn bike race. I hate everything.

I walk into my room and slam the door shut before flopping onto the bed. Jarvis had most likely informed my father of what had happened. My door cracks open letting light from the hallway filter in. "Jarvis told me you were trying to go somewhere. Where were you going?" dad asks me. "Nowhere," I tell him. I grab a pillow and throw it at him. My door closes and I sigh deeply into my bed. Is it really so bad to ask for one night out without my dads knowledge?

I'll just try again tomorrow. I let sleep take me into the depths of darkness that it is.

I'm running. My shoes slap on the ground with every step. I'm sprinting to get away from something. I don't know what it is but I don't want to get caught by it. I start running faster. Trees are surround me at all sides like a wall. I keep running forward not daring to look back. I look back at the trees and notice that they aren't whipping past me as I run. I look at the ground and see I'm running in place. I'm not on a treadmill but I'm not going anywhere. I stop in my spot. My body is flung forward and I'm falling into a darkness. Suddenly I'm standing in a cell. I rush to the bars and grab a hold of them. I cry out for help for someone to get me out but the words don't come. I'm just silently screaming for help. Someone starts walking down the hallway outside my cell. I wave my arms to get there attention and it's dad. I wave my arms in wider and bigger motions. I jump up and down just trying to get him to notice me. Dad walks over to me noticing me finally. 'Get me out' I yell at him and of course no words actually come out. "Sorry kid I can't let you out. It's for your own safety if you just stay in," dad tells me sadly before walking off. There are keys to the cells hooked to his belt. I deflate. I fall to my knees and start screaming for him to come back and let me out. 'Let me out' I keep screaming over and over. It slowly turns into 'Just hear me'. I revert to just screaming until I finally give up and fall onto my butt. Just hear me please. Please just. I breath in and out slowly and carefully. I close my eyes and rest my head on the bars. When I open my eyes I'm in my room sitting on the floor by my bed. I blink a couple of times. I stand up and go to the door. I grab the knob and turn it to open it but it doesn't turn. I jiggle it a couple of times. No. I can't be trapped in my own room. I need to get out. I need to get out. Get out. I just. Let me out. I start banging on the door and screaming again. I just want to get out. 'Let me out' I scream at my door. I hear dad's voice from the other side call, "Like I said kid it's for your safety. I scream at him. I scream and scream. I just scream endlessly at the door. I take a deep breath before screaming again. I feel someone grab my shoulder. 

I jolt up into a sitting position. I'm drenched in sweat and my hair is sticking to my forehead and neck. "Hey you okay? You were screaming?" dad asks me. His hand was still on my shoulder. I shrug it off. "Yeah I'm fine," I grind out. "Okay," dad says hesitantly, "just stop screaming every night I need sleep too." I look him dead in the eyes and spit out at him, "Be grateful you can sleep at all." His eyes widen at my tone. I look over at the door and see Pepper standing there. 

I lay back down and flip to my side away from dad and Pepper. "Goodnight I would appreciate if you got out of my room," I tell them. I feel the bed shift slightly from dad standing up. The door clicks closed and I'm left in silence. 

I start sobbing. I cry myself back to sleep. I wake up to Jarvis as always. I stand up and walk downstairs. Dad and Pepper are sitting in the living room watching something on tv. "Hey Hailey can you pack? We are heading to New York," dad asks me not taking his eyes off of the tv. "Sure," I respond. I turn around and go back upstairs. 

I grab a backpack and put my stuffed animal from my mom in it. I also put a blanket in there. I grab my phone, phone charger, and earbuds stuffing them into the small front pocket. I zip my backpack up and set it on my bed. I pull my hair into a messy bun and get changed into leggings and a plain black long sleeved shirt. 

I grab my backpack and head downstairs. "I'm ready to go," I announce. To that Pepper and dad both hop up and grab there stuff. "Let's go then," dad says.

A/n This is the last chapter in this book but don't you worry Hailey is returning in the Avengers book. I already know the name of the next book. It's going to be called 'Scarlet Feathers' You will see why in the next book. I will be starting the next book soon so don't you worry. Comment please it makes me happy. Love you all.



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