The Truth.

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( Trigger Warning: This chapter involves self-harm, depression, and suicidal thoughts. pls skip if any of these things bother or scare you.)

My hands slightly shook as I approached Nemeko's bedroom door.

I-i have to know.

Where was he all these years.

Why won't he talk?

What's his history with Mariya?

I reach up to knock but stop when I hear sounds coming from the other side of the door.

Leaning in slightly, I put my ear to the door.

I struggle to hear exactly what it was but it sort've sounds like . . .

C R Y I N G ?

I let out a breath before opening the door quietly.

Stepping into the dark room I glance around looking for the source.

The only light source being the moonlight shining in through the wall window, giving everything an eerie glow and silouette.

My eyes continue to search before falling on a figure curled up in the corner.

"N-nemeko?" I say shakily, unsure if it's him.

I see the figure flinch and the sobbing stops.

I cautiously walk towards him.

The closer I get the more visible he becomes, until I can completely see him.

And what I see shatters my heart.


Nemeko has his head in his arms with his legs pulled to his chest, shaking slightly.

My eyes land on his arms and they widen in shock.

His forearms are covered in deep cuts that are leaking blood.

I glance at the floor and see a bloodied knife laying on the ground, shining in the moonlight.

Suddenly, Nemeko lifts his head and traps me in his sad and broken gaze, Both of his eyes are uncovered.

His eyes are filled with so many emotions, but the emotion that over powers it all is . . .


My heart aches to see him so vunerable and hurt.

Without thinking I hug him, tears spilling down my own cheeks.

He tenses and I start to regret my decision, until he returns the hug.

He squeezes me tightly like I could disappear at any moment.

I just hold him tighter wanting to stop his pain.

His cries are muffled in my shirt as I rub his back soothingly, trying to clam him.

After a small while, he stops crying and just starts sniffling I start to slowly stand, not letting him go.

"Come on, let's get you clean up." I say softly, guiding him towards the bathroom.

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