Secret Relationship

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Thomas will not stop asking me who gave a hickey and it's getting really annoying.

I'm on my way downstairs to sneak out and take a walk through the woods to clear my mind.

Nemesis has left for business and I'm on house arrest.

I can't leave the house.

I can't look out the windows.

and I'm supposed to answer all of his calls no matter what.

I walk through the living room expecting it to be empty but instead there lays Thomas on the couch.

For once he isn't in a suit but instead in sweatpants and a white t-shirt that's covered in Dorito dust along with his mouth and fingers.

he goes to lick his fingers before noticing me.

stopping mid-lick he smiles at me.

"Hey, boo," he says casually.


letting the pet name slide.

" Hey, Thomas," I say moving towards the couch.

He sits up giving me his full attention.

"what's up?" he says eating another handful of Doritos.

And action!

I pull a sad face and turn to him with watery eyes.

" I-i'm b-bored and I-i  w-want to g-go outside!" I say crying on the last part.

I may have over did it?

his smile immediately drops and he wraps his arms around me.


" Hey! how about you what some movies with me? we can get snacks and make cookies and w-we can.... uh... CUDDLE!" he stammers exclaiming the last word.

Honestly, that sounds nice.

"O-okay," I say sounding like a small child.

Man, I just lost a good portion of my dignity.

"You go change into something more comfortable and I'll get started on those cookies, okay?" he says standing up.

I nod and go to my room.

After hours of digging in the most revealing clothing in the world, I find some decent pajamas.

"Hey Thomas, are those cookies in the oven?" I ask re-entering the living room.

No answer.

my eyebrows creased.

"Thomas?" I call again looking for him.

Suddenly arms wrap around my waist and hoist me into the air.


I scream and start kicking furiously.

My foot hits something soft and the person grunts before letting me drop to the floor.

I quickly turn around to face an in pain Thomas.

"Thomas!" I exclaim before rushing to his side.

as soon as I get in arms reach he pulls me to the floor and straddles me.

"H-hey! what are y-you doing!" I ask shocked.

Fix me {nemesis-kun x reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora