My mother misses me.

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not even a crumb!

It's the middle of winter!

"Nemeko, were out of food!" I call through the house, closing the cabinets. This really is a first considering nemeko really is a foodie.

" Okay I'll go to the store, you want anything?" he asks pulling on his coat.

I turn walking towards him.

"Yeah! I wanna come with you!" I say smiling hopefully. but my hope dies as soon as nemeko sighs.

" you know I can't bring you, Y/n," he says pinching the bridge of his nose like a stressed-out father.

And I'm back to prisoner status.

"You think you're a prisoner?" he says with a hurtful tone.

I said that out loud!

"Y-yeah! this has gone from a paradise to a jail! you never let me go outside without you! look out the windows without being within a five-foot radius! I-i feel trapped, nemeko!" I rant standing my ground.

suddenly nemeko shove my coat into my hands, grumbling to himself.

Smiling, I quickly put on my coat and follow nemeko to the car.

"Stay close and don't draw any attention to yourself," he commands starting the car.

turning my head slowly, I stare at him suspiciously.

"Why?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

he chuckles nervously before speaking up.

"your sort of . . .  How do I say this?. . uh. . . missing?" he says

Those few words made anger course through my entire body as the reality of my situation dawns on me.

"You mean that my mother has been worrying about me for the PAST THREE MONTHS!" I say screaming the last part.

he slowly nods watching me scream my head off at him.

not long after I calm down but my mood is soured.

"Let's just go." I snap crossing my arms.

turning towards the window, my eyes start to water and the thought of my mother crying over my disappearance breaks my heart, not long after tears start streaming down my face.

I hear Nemeko sigh before continuing to drive.



The local market soon comes into view and nemeko begins to tap nervously on the steering wheel.

"Stay in the car and stay down and No I won't reason with you because your gonna stay put!" he orders pulling into the parking lot.

My blood begins to boil.

he has absolute control over me! 

It's like I'm a dog!

"Yeah, Whatever," I say not looking at him.

The car door shuts and I'm left alone in the almost empty parking lot.

Hm, What if. . .

Sitting up in my seat I look out the window, Glancing around the parking lot.

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