Chapter Seven

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-(y/n)'s point of view-

Now is your time to shine (y/n) , you've got this. I surveyed my area. "perfect" I whispered, spotting a rope holding a bunch of boxes. I threw my knife at the rope. The rope cut and all the boxes fell creating a loud sound.

4 guards turned and went to investigate. That left two with the truck. Perfect. I jumped down and snuck behind the four who snuck off, waiting for the perfect moment.

BANG, BANG. Nogla and Moo must've taken the shot at the two by the truck. Footsteps come ushering my way. I slip into the darkness and watch as the four slid past me, but I trip the last, taking his gun and knocking his out with the handle of it.

I run back to where the truck was. Terrorizer and Marcel were in the truck. Now the three had the guns pointed at them.' shit' Come on (Y/n) you got this. 

" Aim," One of them said and all three aimed. " Oh boys~," I said in my best sing-song voice, all three of them turning and pointing their guns at me. " OH my? Like that scares me" I forced and giggle and walked towards them. " You men and guns. Put the toys down before you hurt yourself" I smiled sweetly." I should say the same to you, sweet thing" The male was smirking. Perv. 

"Is that so?" I smirked. "Let's see who's better" I kicked one of them in the stomach and pulled my gun, shooting the other two in the head and aiming my gun down at the one now on the ground. " Holy hell" Terroriser yelled." Check the stuff" I said, not taking my eyes off the man under me. I smirked though. It was a moment before Marcel made a satisfied grunt. "Yeah. Come on" He pulled me up in the van. I shot the man as he did so, putting my gun back.

Terroriser beat on the truck walls." Go, Lui!" He said and shut the door from the inside. The only light now comes from my glow in the dark white choker. " You did amazing" Marcel commented on my work. I smiled." Well using charm isn't my favorite thing but they had guns to you two so what exactly could I do?" I asked with a smile. 

" That's so kind of you" Terroriser smiled."Alright, guys let not get sentimental. We aren't at the base yet and in my book, that means the mission is still in the process" I said and rubbed my glowing choker. It fell silent in the back of the truck between them and I closed my eyes. This was good. This was what I was supposed to do.  

" Purity" I heard Terroriser. "What?" I asked. " We give each other code names for when we are in battle so people don't figure out who we are. Your name is Purity" Terroriser smiled, and Marcel hummed with approval. I smiled. "Alright. But what are Your names?" 

"They call me Socker," Terroriser said."That's because when guns are down I'm the first to sock someone in the jaw" He smirked with a wink causing me the giggle.

" They call me Crash because I once crashed a whole jet and walked away from it perfectly fine," Marcel said and smiled. 

" You can learn the others when we get back to the base"I nod, curious to hear the stories of them. They must've done some pretty wild things if they do stuff like this on the daily.  Returning to the base was easy and when we got there they opened the truck, the whole team staring at us. " Nicely done you three, mainly you (Y/n). I heard what you did" Boss said. I smiled."Whatever it takes boss man" I jumped out of the truck.

-Authors point of view-

The crew hung out at the bar as (Y/n) made drinks for them. No matter what this would be the best of a family (Y/n) had, and though not everyone showed it Quite yet they enjoyed her being around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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