#1: Moving in

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"I can't believe your brother is Liam Payne!" Emma kept bugging Lyla.

"I can't believe it hasn't sunk in yet!" Lyla yelled to me, trying to talk louder than the jeep. The jeep was a nice green colour, and it looked pretty good, but it was loud, because it had no roof.

"Well, we did just find out a week ago that your brother is 1/5 of our favorite band! Let alone, Emma's crush!" I teased, looking over to Emma.

"Oh, shut up, Frankie!" Emma yelled at me, then turned to Dani, who was driving, "are wet there yet?!"

"Ugh, two more minutes!" Dani was annoyed.

"You said that two minutes ago..." Jessica, who was in the passenger seat, added, gaining a death stare from Dani. Here's the thing. We all have a crush on someone in One Direction. For Emma, it's Liam. Lyla likes Harry, and Dani likes Louis. Jessica likes Zayn, and I have a HUGE crush on Niall.

        A week ago, Lyla finally told us that she was Liam's sister, she just had a different dad, that's why her last name is Roads, and not Payne. But, the reason she decided to tell us then is because she had told us we were moving in with five boys, which was surprising enough, let alone, them being One Direction.

"We're here!" Dani yelled. Emma went berzerk. She was jumping around and squeeling, then she started hyperventalating. I let her use my inhaler, and then we all grabbed our bags. Everyone except for Lyla had two bags...Lyla had six. Lyla is..well...the Zayn of our group. She always has something for her hair. She has naturally straight black hair, that has a dyed caramel brown streak in it. She always has it curled. She also has a really tan complextion. Emma has straight, light, golden brown hair, and a medium-tannish complextion. Dani has really curly, light brown hair and pale skin. Jessica has beautiful, flowing blonde hair and a very pale skin-colour. I have straight, brown-blonde hair and I have really pale skin (Lighter than Dani), and a small amount of VERY light freackles on my nose because I don't usually go outside when it's warm and sunny. I like it when it's cold and I don't have to ability to get sunburn. And, to be honest, I look like a 15 year old.

"Alright, now before we go in-" Lyla was cut off by Emma busting through the door, "Emma!!"

Emma ran straight into Liam. Great. Just great.

"OH MY GOSH ITSLIAMPAYNEOHMYGOSH OHHHMMMYYYYGOOOOSSHHH!" Emma squeeled, having a fangirl moment. I put my hand on her shoulder and she noticed the fact that she just humiliated herself infront of Liam Payne. Well, that brought her down. Liam decided it was a good idea to give her a hug. Well....She's back.

"So how was the ride, girls?" Liam asked, with Emma hanging onto his arm.

"Well, Emma and Jessica were both bugging me the whole time, Dani got frustrated, and Frankie was...well...just being Frankie, I guess," she chuckled, making me and Liam smile.

"Well, I wish you guys luck!" Liam said, moving away from Emma.

"Wait, wish us luck with what?" Jessica asked.

"Nooo...Don't you dare..." Lyla said, pointing her finger at Liam, who was chuckling and looked really guilty.

"Sorry..." He said, before starting to yell,"BOYS!!!"

**This is the moment that Frankie knew. She was now living with the five boys of One Direction. And she was going to love it.**

"YAYYYY!!" I heard Louis and Niall yelling, as they all ran in, giving us hugs. I fell. I seriously fell. They hugged me so much, that I fell. When I fell everyone stopped and stared at me. I hate when people stare at me! It's so embarrassing and it makes me want to just hide under a table. Next thing I know, there's a hand in my face. Niall was lending me a hand. I blushed a lot, then I finally took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Wow, you're so light!" Was his first reaction, "are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," I said, looking at the girls, who were all smiling at me. I know those smiles. I hate those smiles.

"Oh, come on!" I griped, "why do you have to do this now?" All the boys looked confused. Next thing I know, I'm being chased all over the house by the four girls. We go around in a circle twice. They finally catch me on the couch and start tickling me. It hurt so much but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh- my- gosh! Stop- it!" I said between laughs. Everyone was laughing now, including the boys. I was tickled for another five minutes until I started hyperventalating, "STOP!- In..haler!" I managed, while everyone started getting worried.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Lyla yelled, handing me my inhaler. I gave her the death stare while I was using it. She got on her knees and begged for forgiveness. Me and Lyla have a special relationship, and if we make each other mad, bad things happen, so we have to beg the other one for forgiveness since we're both so stubborn. She begged for a while.

"Ugh, it's okay," I said, patting her head.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, tackling me onto the couch with a hug. I looked around and everyone was staring at us. I had no choice but to laugh. Me and Lyla just layed there like wackos, laughing. The other girls, of course, were used to it, so they told the boys things like, "this happens a lot" and "oh, it's completely normal for them."

"Alright, I'll show you ladies to your rooms," Liam said, leading us up the stairs. He stopped at the first room on the left, "This is your's Emma, mines right beside it," he winked at her, making her blush and squeel. He showed everyone their rooms. Me and Lyla share a room, but so do Niall and Harry. Their room is right infront of ours. The luck. Everyone went into their rooms and unpacked, then Liam made a round, making sure everything was fine.

All of a sudden, the door opened and someone screamed, scaring me and Lyla half to death. Lyla ended up under her covers and I went under my bed. Me and Lyla have a history with loud noises. When we were in third grade, there was a school shooting, and we didn't go to the same school as Jessica, Dani, and Emma, so they don't know this. But our friend, Spencer, was shot. We spent weeks with her in the hospital. Everytime someone would drop even a coin, we'd get so scared, we'd crawl into bed with Spencer. Spencer died three weeks after the shooting. I started crying a little, and I could hear Lyla crying and sniffling. She was cuddled into Harry's arms. I felt arms around me. Niall had climbed under the bed and hugged me. I started to pull away, but he pulled me closer. I looked at him and his beautiful blue eyes met my emerald green eyes. I could tell that he actually cared.

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