#5 School and more A/Ns :l

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"Hello class! My name's Ms. Kholer and I'll be your maths teacher for your SENIOR YEAR of High School!" The teacher cheered. I don't know if she thought we'd be excited, but...Yeah...No.

The rest of first block and second block went by painfully slow, but slightly amusing, since me and Lyla were put on opposite sides of the room, we kept making funny faces at each other, making a majority of the class attempt holding back laughs. I really just wanted to go home. For some reason, I really missed the boys, even Louis.

At lunch, I found Lyla and Dani at the table in the back corner. Yeah, that cliché table they use for loners...Yeah, that's us.

"Frankie!" Lyla cheered as I sat down next to her. I opened my lunch box and it was like magic. It had two mozzarella sticks, some Ritz crackers and a few pieces of Celery and Broccoli.

"Woah, how'd Liam know my favorite foods?" I asked.

"I may or may not have told him over the phone while you were taking a shower..." She grinned. Okay, Liam and Lyla are actually really similar. They're both very responsible, plus they kinda look alike. I mean, they're only about one year apart, soooo...Wait a minute...Showeeeerrrr...

"YOU WHAT?" I yelled, causing a third of the cafeteria to stare at us.

"Sorry, I forgot you were in the shower when I called him, and he didn't really seem to mind!" She rambled.

"Ugh, Lyla! I sing in the shower!" I face palmed before laying my head on the table, "I'm so embarrassed!"

"Sorry, babe," Lyla pouted, rubbing my back. God, I hate her...but I love her...I don't even know anymore. The bell rang and I threw away the food I didn't eat...AKA: 75% of the lunch. I had a college course Science with Dani. Yup. We're nerds. Geeks. Dorks. Whatever you wanna call it. After it ended, we met Lyla in front of the school and decided just to go home. Of course, Lyla and I raced again, and Dani magically appeared there just after us from another taxi. I get that we have a lot of money, but gosh.

"Hey girls!" Liam greeted as we entered the house.

"Hey!" Dani replied, while I basically fell onto my hands and knees, and Lyla slid down the wall.

"Woah, you guys okay?!" He asked, worry in his voice. Adorable, Liam. Just adorable. Daddy Direction!

"Y-Yeah," Lyla gasped, taking a drink of her water. I hadn't created enough energy to get mine out of my bag, so Ly just rolled hers to me.

"T-Thanks," I said, opening the water and taking a sip.

"So...Why exactly are you guys collapsed breathless on the floor?" Zayn asked from the couch.

"Oh, they race to and from school each day. Frankie wins almost everytime, since she was basically head of the track team five years in a row, and Lyla's the only one that can keep up with her," Jess explained, as she was cuddling with Zayn.

"Oh...Impressive," Zayn nodded slowly, "But how do you know?" He asked Jessica.

"Because they've been doing this everyday for the past three years," She sighed.

"Okay...Alright...I'm good...I'm fine. You good?" I asked Lyla, starting to stand up, then stumbled a little and grabbed the edge of the fireplace.

"Yeah. I'm good," she replied, getting up and taking off her shoes. I took mine off.

"So, basically you girls run two miles every day?" Harry asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"Correction, two five-minute miles every day," Dani replied, plopping onto the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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