6 | little like the mischief

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' its head hanging in humiliation '

' its head hanging in humiliation '

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EVERY DAY IT WAS THE SAME THING. She'd wake up, and she knew that they were watching. She'd go about her day, and she still knew they were watching her. Every second at least one of them was always watching her no matter where she went. And she didn't mind it that much if she was being honest. She loved the thought of someone always looking after her because she wouldn't know what would happen if she was left alone by herself and the monsters inside of her.

"Hey, Mia." Looking over to see her friends, Mia shut her locker door after putting her books away. She walked over to them with a small smile; she was slowly getting better. It was going to take forever, but she told herself she was going to do it. Not just for herself but for everyone else as well.

"Hey," she said softly to her group of friends that stuck by her after all she's going through. Not once did they stop talking to her. They always made sure that Mia knew they were there for her, even if she wanted them or not.

"We're going to have a sleepover, do you want to come?" Mia sighed but nodded, her smile stretching a little bit as she knew she had to do this. She missed her friends a lot, and when she saw their faces brightened, she knew she was doing the right thing. The brunette had isolated herself in her room and would never join the pack on their usual adventures doing god knows what. Last night Mia promised to herself that she was going to live her life. She wasn't going to sulk around and cry every single moment. She was going to get through this. No matter what.

"Sure." The pack all grinned and wrapped their favourite singer into a hug, smiling widely. Stiles and Scott couldn't be more than happier that the person they thought of as their little sister was finally opening up and was taking a few baby steps at a time. Lydia and Allison were ecstatic to know that their shopping and gossip buddy was finally coming out of the dark and Isaac were proud. He was proud that his best friend was changing by herself - that she was willing to let people help her during her time of need.

Isaac grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. Mia couldn't help the small genuine smile that stretched across her lips, the light that died was slowly burning back to life.

"Come on; we're going to go buy the snacks." The two best friends left their school and entered Mia's car, the curly-haired werewolf sitting in the driver's seat while Mia sat in the passenger seat, their bags discarded in the back. They drove to the nearest supermarket and took a trolley, rolling through the aisle. The two messed around in the store, giggling like a mess. Mia climbed into the trolley with her lips stretched to the max, her eyes shining bright with mischief and happiness.

"Let's goooooo!" she excalimed as Isaac pushed her down the aisle really fast, holding onto the bar of the trolley so they wouldn't crash or anything like that. The people that stood doing their own shopping couldn't help but stare at the two best friends whose laughs echoed throughout the whole store. Even though they didn't know the two, everyone knew of them. They were the mischevious duo,  always ready to play pranks but always having each others back - no matter what.

After Rose Mitchell died, so did the laughter that echoed along the streets. The two never left their house, always staying inside and isolating themselves unless it was for school. A few weeks after Rose's death, Isaac was finally able to pull himself up, and with the help of his mate, he was stable again. He slowly went back to his usual self, embracing the sadness that washed over him at random times. Isaac knew he couldn't wallow in self-loathing and depression at the fact that the person that made him feel normal was dead. He looked to his mate for help, and she happily did so, along with their friends, and so here he was, ready to help his best friend get back on track.

"I think that's enough," Isaac said as the two stared at the trolley filled to the brim with snacks of all kind. Mia snorted.

"I think that could feed the whole neighbourhood."

"Then it's perfect." Isaac grinned with his white teeth on display. Mia rolled her eyes, chuckling as they pushed the trolley over to the cashier. Smiling kindly at them, she began to scan the items, and while Mia helped to put the food onto the counter, Isaac packed them into the recyclable bags. They were eco-friendly the two, so they would try not to use a lot of plastic when they could.

Once they were done, Mia handed the lady her card and paid. Isaac carried most of the bags while Mia carried a few since her body wasn't ready for a lot of weight right now. The brunette had lost a lot of pressure since she refused to eat, so she lost a lot of muscles. She made sure to workout soon since she knew she would need to regain her muscles back.

"Miaaaaa. Hurry up." Isaac whined as he stood by the car, waiting for Mia to find her car key and open the boot. The brunette flipped him the bird as she dug through her bag, looking for her car key. Grinning, she found it and unlocked the car, placing the bags inside before hopping into the front and making their way to Scott's house since they were all sleeping there.

"The cuties are back!" Mia excalimed as she pushed the door open, not even bothering to knock. The pack was close enough to just barge into each others house; no one cared enough to stop them. They were all okay with each other being in their personal space; they were family. And nothing could separate family.

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