Every Contract Has Rules

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[[Every contract has rules, and theirs is no different. Will they both be at ease with these rules, or will they have some conflict?]]







Sitting in the cafe, Euna stared at the young man before her, taking him in as he took a long sip of his drink. She found he looked rather awkward, sitting there silently with her. Almost like he had never been out to coffee with someone that wasn't his family, and she was including his band members in that term. She knew how they were with one another, thus why her looping them into the term family. "Shall we get down to it, then?" Euna pulled out her tablet, pulling up the digital copy of the contract they had all signed with their record labels in order for this to happen.

Jonghyun gave a curt nod as he scooted his chair closer to hers, leaving just a small space between them. With him so close, she could smell his perfume, a scent that she would become use to after a while with him. A scent that would become etched into her mind and memory that would always remind her of him.

"As it is to seem that we are together as a couple, your company has requested that we be seen in public as much as possible with one another. That means, I'll be accompanying you to your recording studio, concerts, as well as any daily activities that you have for the next few months. The company has also mentioned giving you some time off so that you and I can be seen in public on dates such as ones like this, for example."

She leaned in closer, their shoulders touching so that it appeared the two were just sharing secrets instead of talking business. "I'm not sure about what you're comfortable with, so if you would like to discuss this we can do it later in a more private setting. Away from wandering eyes." Euna became aware of just how seductive that sounded when he stiffened slightly, his face as red as her lip stick. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that."

"No, it's fine." Euna glanced up at him, her eyes searching his face for something that told her this was not going to work. However, all she saw was a shy guy trying to pretend that he was anything but shy. Jonghyun cleared his throat quietly and picked up his drink. "Is there anything you are uncomfortable with, Noona?" She looked down, thinking about all of the things she had been ok with in the first and last time she had done this.

"I think we should take this as if you would a real relationship." Euna tried to think how to word her next sentence without making either of them sound like teenagers going on their first date. "I'm okay with hand holding. You're label wants us to make it seem like we've been together for a while before we "go public" so to speak, so maybe a small kiss here or there. I won't make out with you, no offense, and I will not sleep with you- again, no offense." Jonghyun nodded, looking as if he was beginning to relax once more. "So no pressure. Just pretend this is real and I'm sure we will be fine." He looked as if he were taking all of this information in, conteplating it all in his mind before giving a small nod.

"So, since this is our first date out in public, do you think it would be too much if I put my arm around you?" She smiled, noticing that his cheeks were turning more flushed than before. It was like he was a child in some ways, his cute reactions to the slightly romantic aspect of their relationship giving it all away. That knowledge made a soft giggle escape her lips.

"Not at all." She felt him shift, his arm slipping around her shoulders, giving her room to snuggle in closer. Reaching out for her coffee, she took a careful sip. "I appreciate you asking permission before you do something, but really, Jonghyun-ah. As long as your not pushing me up against a wall in public and trying to have your way with me, you can pretty much do anything you want. This is suppose to be convincing." She felt the slight weight of his head rest against hers before she knew it, sending her heart into her stomach. His perfume filled her senses, leaving her feeling a little dizzy. He smelled really nice, a scent she couldn't place though. Musky yet rugged. He smelled good. Before she knew it, he had pulled out his phone and held it in front of them; camera on so that she could see what they looked like.

Her eyes caught the way they looked all cozy and romantic; held her so lovingly to his side. She smiled, showing her teeth as she rested a hand on his chest.

The flash went off and she removed her hand in favor of holding her drink. "I'll send it to you so you can put it as your profile picture on Instagram." Euna cringed slightly, having forgotten that she was going to be creating a social media blog for all the world to see. When her phone went off in the next moment, signaling that she had received a text message, she knew that it was the photo the two of them had just taken. She opened it up to confirm her suspicions and smiled. They actually looking cute together, or at least she thought so.

Feeling eyes upon her, Euna turned her gaze up from her phone, meeting those of her date. He was watching her, a smile upon his face as well as a slight pink tinge upon his cheeks. Her heart fluttered. "Is something wrong?" she asked, closing her phone and putting it into her pocket.

He shook his head. "You just look so pleased with the photo. That's all." Something about the way he said that made him sound smug, like her approval elevated his ego or something.

Her face heated up in embarrassment as she raised her cool hand to sooth the flaming skin. "Does that please you?" Her eyes glanced back at him as she willed her cheeks to return to normal, only to have them become hotter still. He had such a strong control on her blushing cheeks that she didn't know what to do. It was like she had no control over her girly reactions anymore.

"Would it be wrong of me to say that it does?" Her heart skipped a beat.

"Ugh... N-no. I suppose not." Her stutter only caused his smile to widen. Was he enjoying her embarrassment that much? She chuckled softly, picking her drink up and taking another sip before frowning. "All this talking and my coffee is getting cold." Pouting, she glared down at her drink as if her heated gaze would turn the concoction to boil again. Laughter tickled her ear, bringing her attention back to Jonghyun.

"Let me get you another." He didn't give her a chance to decline his offer as he stood, pushing the chair back, and headed over to the counter. Euna pushed her coffee away from her, watching as he interacted with the barista, so casual with his fans. He was even approached by a few girls, asking for pictures and/or autographs- to which he happily obliged them. His actions brought a warm feeling to her chest.

When he returned, he held a steaming hot cup of her favorite mocha flavored coffee, all the while smiling proudly at her. The smile on his face was something she was beginning to adore more and more. "You really didn't need to." She felt so flustered with his generosity. "But thank you anyway."

"Your welcome Noona." Euna reached out, their fingers touching as he gave her the hot coffee. "Do you wanna get out of here?" Frowning, curious to know what he had in mind, she nodded.

"Sure. Are we going any place special?" She grabbed her purse and allowed him to slip his hand in hers, escorting her out of the cafe and back to his car.

"If we're gonna be dating, shouldn't you meet the guys?" Euna's inner fangirl roared to life, her eyes lighting up shamelessly. Yeah, she was not being very perfessional right now, but could you blame her? She was about to meet her favorite band of all time, and on top of that, she was "dating" one of them! Nope. No shame.

"Really? You don't think they would be too busy?" In her mind she secretly was jumping for joy, excitment filling her whole body as her voice stayed calm and perfessional. Was he onto her?

He shook his head. "They'll be happy to meet you." Opening the car door for her, he watched her slip inside, closing the door before running around the front to the drivers side. He looked excited to be bringinger her "home", and she couldn't be more happy and nervouse. Would they accept her? Would they acept their relationship, even if it was supppose to be strictly prefessional?

His Fake Girlfriend (Kim Jonghyun)Where stories live. Discover now