Romantic End to a First Date

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[[After enjoying their movie date, the couple head back to Euna's appartment for ice cream and sweet talk]]







Walking out of the theater, Euna looked up at the now dark sky, and smiled. It was cool out with a light breeze, but the sky was clear and they could see the stars perfectly. Euna shivered as they made their way to her car. "Did you bring a coat?" Euna shook her head and unlocked the car.

"No. I wasn't expecting to be out this late." she confessed. Closing the door behind her, Euna started the motor and turned on the heater for a while so that they could warm up. Jonghyun reached across the center console and slipped his hands around hers. She turned to look at him as he started rubbing his hands against hers, creating a light friction that warmed her skin. She smiled. "If you start getting too hot, let me know and I can turn the heater off." She knew her cheeks were heating up, but it had nothing to do with temperature in the car. It was because of his touch. The way he was looking up from their hands and into her eyes. The soft, flirty smile on his face.

"Are you ok, Noona? You look flustered." His smile turned into a smirk and her stomach tightened. She was defiantly attracted to him, there was no doubt about that, but did he have to do everything in his power to remind her of that? His hands lifted hers toward his mouth, his eyes never leaving hers as he touched his soft, plump lips to the tips of her fingers.

She should pull her hand away. She should put the car in drive and bring him home. She should not be in such a confined space with him as he teased her, yet here she sat, watching as he moved closer toward her. Or was she moving closer to him? She wasn't sure, but somehow they ended up so close that they were now inches away from kissing. His eyes moved down to her lips, almost like he wanted to kiss her. She swallowed nervously.

He kissed her softly, their lips touching for a moment before he disconnected them. She opened her eyes, finding him smiling. She blinked. Was he teasing her still? Were her lips dry? Did her breath smell? Her mind flooded with questions before he was suddenly kissing her again, this time as if his life depended on it. He claimed her lips for his own, nibbling on her lower lip before sliding the tip of his tongue against the tender skin. A small moan slipped from her as she parted her lips, meeting his tongue as he slipped inside her mouth. He tasted of popcorn and coke, her tongue rubbing softly against his as he reached up and caressed her face gently. The way he pulled her to him, almost as if they were no longer inside the car had her breathless, her heart threatening to beat right out of her chest.

Euna was the one to break the kiss, sliding back into her seat as she took in a few shakily breaths. How long had it been that someone had kissed her so passionately and left her breathless? She glanced to the side at Jonghyun, who was flushed, his eyes dilated and aroused. She swallowed. What was she suppose to say after a kiss like that? Should she say thank you, because damn, that kiss felt like it deserved just that.

"Ice cream, right?" She blinked.

"Ice cream?" His chuckle brought a darker blush to her cheeks as well as brought her back to Earth. "Right! My place for ice cream." And maybe more kissing like that. She put the car in reverse and checked her mirrors before backing out of the parking lot. She felt like a school girl that had just been kissed for the first time. Her mind was all screwed up, only focusing on the way his lips had felt against hers. The way his hand had touched her face and dragged her closer to him. She shivered, and it was hot inside the car. Turning off the heater, she switched gears and headed toward her place.



Walking into her apartment, she flipped on the light switch, her mind much more clear and her hormones having settled on the drive. She slipped her shoes off, leaving them beside the door, and closed the door behind them. Jonghyun glanced around the spacious first floor of her two story apartment. The kitchen, dining room, and living room were all spaced out nicely, the interior white, clean, and very neat. She had a wall of bookshelves as she loved reading, a desk in one corner, and a large sofa that stretched along almost the whole wall. The kitchen was spacious with a stove, microwave, and cabinets over the floor and upper walls. She had a fridge in one corner with a small walk in pantry. The dinning area held a round table with four chairs, a chandelier hanging down above it. Splitting the living room and the dining area was a set of stairs that lead up to her bedroom. The upper floor held a giant king sized bed decorated with many pillows and stuffed animals. The walls were covered in art and posters, a walk in closet and vanity dresser. She had both an upstairs and downstairs bathroom, but the shower was upstairs.

Euna watched as he looked around, taking everything in as he moved into the living room and looked at the many family photos she had decorating the walls as shelves. "You're an only child?" he asked, looking at the photo of her with her mom and dad.

"Yep. One and only." She set her purse and car keys down on the counter in the kitchen, moving over to the freezer where her favorite rocky road ice cream sat calling her name. She pulled the container from the cold contents of her freezer, she walked to the counter and pulled out two bowls and two spoons. "What about you? Do you have siblings?"

"Yeah, my noona, Sodam." Euna nodded. She had seen photos of them together, but she hadn't really dived into his life. She wasn't some stalker fan or anything like that. She spooned in a few scoops of ice cream before picking it up and walking into the living room to find him looking at her books. She smiled, knowing by the shocked look on his face, that he had found her copy of his book Skeleton Flower. She had read it cover to cover so many times now that she could recite her favorite paragraphs by heart.

"The man fell for her at first sight, and he fell in love first. As is the case with those who make hasty decisions, the man was immersed in his emotions. Is there another mistake as fatal as putting your own feelings before the other party's heart?" She quoted a small portion of the paragraph from the third chapter "Symptoms". It had stood out to her because like the man, she made her decisions hastily and without thinking them through. She watched the blush creep across his cheeks, the way his lips parted into a small gap before lifting into a full on bright smile. "This is going to sound cliché but I'm a huge fan of your writing. Both novel and music writing." She handed him a bowl of ice cream before moving toward the sofa and sitting down. He followed behind her and took a seat, leaving a little space between them.

His Fake Girlfriend (Kim Jonghyun)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora