Hiding Crazy

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[[Euna gets to meet her all time favorite band and tries to hide her crazy inner fangirl so they don't reject her. Only problem is, she isn't doing a good job]]







Sitting in the passenger seat of Jonghyun's car, Euna rummaged around on her phone, finding the app for Instagram and downloading it as they made their way toward their destination. The app didn't take long to download, and before she knew it, she was creating an account with knots in her stomach. "Do you like Japchae, Noona?" She glanced at Jonghyun, who was driving, and blinked.

"Yes...." She saw his hand move up toward his phone, his thumb typing out a message while his eyes remained trained on the road. She blinked again. "That's dangerous, you know." she said in a matter-of-fact voice, her eyes moving away from him and back to her phone.

"I know, but I've gotten good at typing without looking at my phone." She frowned, shaking her head before opening her Instagram app and staring at the screen. "Kibum says you better be hungry because he is cooking and everyone is eating over tonight." Her face heated up as she inwardly groaned. Not only was she supposed to hold back her fangirl excitement, but now she was going to be eating Key's cooking with all five of SHINee! Did they want her to die right there?

"Stop at a store, please. I am not showing up empty handed." Jonghyun's eyes glanced at her before he smiled. 

"You're the guest, Noona, you bring yourself and that's all." She turned her head so that she could see him completely. 

"I want them to accept me so that all of this can be as real as possible. If I were really going on a date with you to eat with your family, I'd show up with flowers or wine. So, since I am going to meet this part of your family, I want to buy some nice wine to go with the Japchae Kibum-ssi will be cooking." For a better effect, she stuck out her bottom lip for a pout. 

"Alright, Noona." He sighed, not understanding why she seemed so nervous about meeting everyone. From what he knew, she was around famous men and women all the time. Besides, he didn't see them as idols, he saw them as brothers. Just regular people that just so happened to sing together for millions of fans. Turning down another street, the two headed toward the closest store. Euna closed her phone, deciding to worry about the social media app later when she was home alone with a tall glass of wine. 

Pulling to a stop, the two unbuckled and climbed out of the car. She slipped the strap of her purse on her shoulder before slipping her hand in his as they walked toward the entrance of the store together. Eyes watched them as they entered the store, staff bowing in greeting as they walked along. Euna bowed along with Jonghyun, greeting the staff happily before heading toward the section of the store where they kept the alcohol. It didn't take Euna long to find something that would pare nicely with the sweet and flavorful dish being prepared. She also grabbed a bottle for later at her house, then turned to Jonghyun and smiled. "Is there anything else you think we should bring?" she asked, not stopping him when he took one of the bottles from her hands so that he was able to hold her other hand. 

"I don't think so. I think this will win Kibum-ah over." She smiled proudly and allowed him to lead her toward the checkout lane. While they waited, she leaned her head on his shoulder, enjoying the fact that she could be cozy and slightly clingy without having to worry about being seen. Besides, her job was to make sure everyone saw, right? 

Once they were finished at the checkout line, they made their way to the parking lot, Jonghyun once again holding her door open for her before he jogged around to his side, and climbed inside. The rest of the drive, they talked about things she should expect from his brothers. Taemin and Minho would more than likely pick on her, Kibum would treat her like a mother whose son she was dating, and Jinki-ah would probably just watch her at first, and then bombard her with questions. She giggled. It was like she was going to meet his birth family, only everyone were men. "Should I be clingy and pretend all of this is real, or should we let them know this is all for show?" she asked as he parked the car in an underground garage. Jonghyun turned off the motor and unbuckled. 

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