The Nightmare ~ Aarmau 1 [Aphmau]

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Dear diary, day 18 back from Starlight.

Ugh. I couldn't get to sleep yet again! I don't know why though, it's really weird. At least I didn't have to experience those nightmares last night that wait for me to fall asleep, and then attack. They're horrible. They're just like the reoccurring nightmare that I had after we went to Bunny Hills, but ᎷᏌᏟᎻ worse. Instead of seeing Aph with ᎬᏆN, it's seeing ᎬᏆN (GRRRRRRR!) shoot a green magiks beam straight through Aph's heart, which lead to Aphmau dying and me going on a rampage throughout Starlight! Thank Irene, literally, for Aph getting a second chance from Irene, very similarly to what I got when we were at the lodge in Bunny Hills. I'm tired a lot these days, and I think Aph can see it. She's been having a lot of nightmares recently, which worries me. At least she can't lie to me about having a good sleep anymore! Hehe!

I drifted out of my thoughts when I heard whimpering. Aph was whimpering in her sleep which is quite normal these days, but still, I'm allowed to worry about her! Especially now, with her heart being as weak as it is. The doctors said any major stress could be extremely dangerous, possibly even fatal because her heart wouldn't be able to take it and it would stop! That was one of the worst things I've ever heard someone say, and I've heard a lot of terrible things.

She was mumbling something incoherent and hard to hear, but since I'm a werewolf and I had my ears out, I could hear what she was saying... It brought back terrible, awful memories that I wanted to forget.
"Aaron..., it hurts! Aaron..., I, I..., I....I'm sorry..., I didn't mean to... I don't want to die, Aaron, please..."
She then woke up screaming for me as if I had left her... I hugged her as she wept her sorrows away, with a sore throat from screaming at least once every single night. No wonder I couldn't sleep. We held each other close as I kissed her lips gently, signifying I would always be with her no matter what. I rubbed her back and told her all the things that would come in the near future. She went to sleep quickly after that, with a smile on her face for once.

She didn't wake up 'til about 9 this morning, which was great! She then told me, over breakfast, about the amazing dream she had and how happy she was. You could tell she was cheerful just by the wide smile on her face and the fact that she was talking really quickly, which she does when she is in a good mood. I know her better than anyone so I think I know what I'm talking about. I love her so much and she knows it, I tell her every day, multiple times and I'll say it again and again.

I love you Aphmau Shalashaska, with all my heart.

The actual chapter (not including this) is 522 words.

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