Scottish Sunsets Part 1 ~ Jesson 2 [Aphmau]

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Dirty minded people, remember that Jess and Jason call each other mommy and daddy around the kids and their real names around eachother, it's normal for parents to do that.

Extra long chapter today!

"I hate planes..." Jess groans, scared.

"Honey, I know, I've known you for how many years? We've been together for over a decade." Jason replies, hugging her.

"I-I know, I'm just a bit scared" Jess replies, trembling a bit.

"Mommy! We're excited! Come on!" Joseph exclaims, buzzing.

Jennifer begins to stir awake in her baby carrier held by Jess while Julia excitedly chats to Jason about seeing the pretty Scottish sunset. (Where I live, the sunsets are the most beautiful things I've ever seen.)

"Plus, we'll need to wrap up really warm, it's apparently pretty cold there all the time and when they do get sunshine, it goes away very quickly!" (Lmao me.)

"Mommy, cmon, lets board the plane, ok?" Jason holds her hand and guides her and the kids to the plane.

They walk on to the plane and find their seats, putting their luggage in the storage space above the seats, Jess with Jennifer and Julia on one side of the row and across the aisle, Jason and Joseph.

(3 seater planes must suck for 4-5 people families with small kids.)

Jess and Jason let the kids sit at the window seats, them both sitting in the middle seats.

Another person sits beside Jess, on the aisle seat, he put his suitcases in . As Julia babbles on to Jess, the man's eyes travel to Jess, checking her out.

Her eyes meet his and she looks at him slightly annoyed, she had caught him staring at her chest weirdly.

She quickly takes her phone out, texting Jason quickly, she couldn't call for him without gathering attention.

Jess is this
Jason is this
This is on Jess' phone



Yeah? What's the problem

There's this guy and he's
staring at me weirdly,
checking me out and looking
at my boobs...

What? Omfg, I hate
when people do that to you,
I can get why though, you're
really beautiful...

Thanks hun, love you! 💜

Love you too! ❤


Jason quickly takes off his seatbelt and marches over to the man. Jess looks up to him sadly.

"Why were you checking out my wife?"

The man looks up at him, surprised.

"I have no clue what you're talking about sir..."

"Jason! It's ok, really!" Jess mumbles, looking down to her feet.

The man looks over at her, shocked.
"Oh...I umm..."

"That's my wife that you're sitting beside, she's sitting there beside one of our daughters, she's holding our other daughter in her arms and I'm sitting beside our son. You may also want to know that she has a youtube channel with almost 5 million subscribers so if you want the fans to go after you, keep checking her out and making her feel uncomfortable!"

Jason smiles savagely, his smirk and speech leaving the man speechless.

"Oh, also, I went to four years of Military Academy so I can rip you apart.."

The guy apologizes profusely and Jason sits down.

Jess just starts writing a script for the diaries remake in her mind, putting Jennifer back in her carrier. She loops her left arm around it and holds it closer to her, securing it. She then starts writing it on her phone's notes section. The notes app has many scripts on it for when she can't write on her iPad easily.

A quarter of the way through the flight, Jennifer starts to stir again and stars to wail. Jess realises that she needs to change her nappy. (I refuse to call it a diaper, deal with it)

She sighs, realising that she'll have to stay up late tonight, there's no way she can finish the script quick enough on the flight if she has to queue up for the bathroom to change Jennifer's nappy then help Julia to finish off her maths homework on the flight.

Jason looks over at her and Jennifer, seeing Jess stressing out. He unbuckles his seatbelt, walking over to Jess.

"Babe, you okay? I can change Jennifer's nappy and also help Joseph and Julia with their homework while you work on he script...I don't want you to have to stay up late."

Jess smiles at him gratefully, yawning.
"Thank you so much honey. I love you, I always think of how amazing you are to me and I just-"

"Shh babe. Thanks, love you too, just remember that you and the kids are the best things to ever happen to me."

She unbuckles her seatbelt, standing up and placing Jennifer in her carrier on to her seat, quietly asking Julia to hold on to the carrier and walking over to hug him. She grimaces as she feels a large flash of pain in her incision from the c-section.

Jason notices this and looks down at her, concerned. His hand moves down to the incision, gently touching it. Her face screws up in pain as she tries not to cry out from the pain. His face shocked, he moves his hand away quickly and calls for Julia to get Jess' painkillers.

He holds her gently, worried. Julia and Joseph noticing Jess' pain and Jason's worry. Julia grabs Jess' painkillers and reaches her arm out to give them to Jason.

"Jess, I need you to take these painkillers, okay?" Jason whispers in her ear.

Her face scrunched up more as she shook her head no.

"I...I can' h-hurts too much...Jason please help..."

"The only way I can help right now is holding you and giving you your painkillers, please take them honey.."
Jason begs.

Jess' whole body shaking from the pain, she puts the painkiller tablet in her mouth and swallows.

"J-Jason, why isn't it stopping the pain at all?"

"It takes a minute, honey...please relax."

The man in the seat beside Jess stands up and moves out of the way so Jason can help Jess to her seat and grab Jennifer in her carrier.

After making sure Jess and Julia are ok, he goes back to his seat, making sure Joseph's ok too and taking Jennifer out of her carrier.

He brings Jennifer to the bathroom and changes her nappy, then he goes back to his seat, sitting down, buckling his seatbelt back up and cradling Jennifer, rocking her in his arms until she falls asleep.

Part 2 coming soon!

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