Chapter 12~ Waiting

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**Yaser's POV**

I take another swig of the water.

I should've asked Zayn to get me more when he went.

I swirl the last couple of drops around the bottom of the cup before drinking it.

I look up to see a doctor making his way through the waiting room towards me.

He has short black hair, piercing blue eyes and looked about 20-something years old.

He stops in front of me to check something on his clipboard before talking.

"Are you Yaser Malik?" He asks, looking up at me.

I nod to him so he continues.

"Are you the legal guardian of Louise Andrews?" He runs his fingers through his short black hair.

"Uh, well no, but I was the only adult with her when she fell unconscious and so I drove her here. So I guess, for now, yes I am." I reply, not really sure what to say.

"Well we have some bad news, Louise has been in a pretty bad condition for the past week or so, meaning she will have to stay in here until she recovers." The doctor explains, scratching the back of his neck.

"What's been going on? How long do you think it will take?" I question, confused by the news.

"Well, from her current state, maybe a couple of weeks, depending on how long it takes for her to wake up and start improving." The doctor answers, fiddling his thumbs.

"Is there anything else we can do to speed up her recovery?" I offer.

"Well no, because it's worse than what you think. Much worse." The doctor replies, sounding deeply concerned.

I can't tell Zayn. He mustn't find out. He will be devastated.

I hear a glass smash.

I turn around to see Zayn standing about a metre behind the doctor, listening to every word we say.

**Zayn's POV**

"Zayn, go get something to clean that up please." Dad looks up at me, noticing me for the first time.

"What's going on?" I question, my voice breaking.

"You weren't supposed to hear that, Zayn. It was a private conversation." He replies sternly.

"Is she going to be okay or not! You have to tell me!" I yell at him, my sadness turning to anger.

How could he try to hide something like this from me?

"Zayn, what's going on with Louise is none of your business. Just leave it!" He yells back at me.

"How could you do this? You don't even know Louise!" Tears start rolling down my cheeks and I can't seem to stop them.

"Neither do you. You've only just met her." He answers sternly, lowering the volume of his voice as people start to look at us.

"Just tell me, is she going to be okay or not?"

"We can't release that information to you because, legally, you are not supposed to be here. But, because we can't get into contact with her parents, you are allowed to stay. Until we reach them, we cannot tell you anymore." He explains, a sorry expression covering his face.

"So you can't tell us anything at all?" I question, my voice falling to a whisper.

"Nothing," He repeats. "I'm sorry."

My dad places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Look, I'm sorry son, but we don't even know Louise. We can only do our bests to help her and if that means staying here until we can contact her parents, that's fine with me." He says softly.

"Thanks dad." I sigh, taking a seat.

Dad's phone rings, so he takes it outside to answer it.

What am I going to do?

**Yaser's POV**

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I walk outside and answer it.

"Hello?" I say into the speaker.

"Yeah, we're at the hospital. Something happened to Louise."

"I found them at the park."

"Yeah, don't tell Zayn, but Louise may be in danger, apparently she hasn't been doing too well for the past week or so and she will probably have to stay in hospital for a bit."

"Yeah, okay. See you tonight. Bye, I love you." I say before hanging up.

I check my phone for further messages before going back inside.

**Trisha's POV**

I put the food into the oven, turning it on and throwing away the food scraps.

I check the time.


Why aren't Zayn and Louise home yet? And where's Yaser? His work finished half an hour ago.

I decide to call him.

"Hello?" He says and I can instantly tell something is wrong.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Have you seen Zayn with a girl?" I question him.

"Yeah, we're at the hospital. Something happened to Louise." His voice shakes.

"What happened? Where were they?" I rush worriedly.

"I found them at the park." He answers, his voice low.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah, don't tell Zayn, but Louise may be in danger, apparently she hasn't been doing too well for the past week or so and she will probably have to stay in hospital for a bit." He lowers his voice even more.

"Oh my god, I hope she's okay. Call me if you hear anything, but I have to go take care of dinner."

"Yeah, okay. See you tonight. Bye, I love you." He answers.

"Bye. I love you too." I say before hanging up.

Louise in hospital? I hope she's okay. Is Zayn okay? How is he handling it?

All these questions flood my mind, but I need to concentrate on the task at hand.

I have to cook dinner.

**Zayn's POV**

"Dad?" I ask wearily.

"Yes Zayn?" He answers, just as tired.

"Is Louise going to be alright?" I question, sitting up a little straighter.

He took a deep breath, sighed, then shut his eyes.

"Yeah, I think she will. I hope she will." He replied after a while.

I nod, shifting in my seat, sliding a little lower and closing my eyes again.

It was late. I hadn't eaten since I was at home in the afternoon.

We hadn't heard anything else about Louise.

Now we sat in the waiting room, trying to get some sort of sleep.

To many questions flooded my mind, to many things to worry about.

How could this happen? Why did this happen. Louise is a perfectly healthy person.....

I stop mid-thought.

How can I say that? Dad is right. I barely know Louise, she could be sick and I wouldn't know. She'd never mentioned it, but I've only known her for about a day.

I sigh, pushing the thoughts away, trying to concentrate on sleeping.

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