Chapter 14~ Awakening

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I open my eyes, temporarily blinded by the light.

Way too bright.

I shut them again.

I squint, trying to adjust my eyes to the light, resulting in closing them again.

"Louise? Are you awake dear?" I hear an unfamiliar female voice.

"Where am I?" I choke out, my throat dry.

"Here drink this, you are in hospital, Louise. You have been in a concussion for approximately 2 hours." She holds a plastic cup of water to my lips.

I slowly drink the water, still unsure of my surroundings due to the lack of my sight.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask, worried he may have left.

"Zayn? Is he the tall boy with the British accent?" She asks in return.

"Yeah." My eyes finally start to adjust and I can see all the machines surrounding my hospital bed.

"He's waiting outside with who I assume to be his dad, they've been here the whole time." She explains.

It's silent for a bit before she speaks up again.

"Do you want to see him? He has been sneaking in here with you every chance he gets." She smiles.

"Thank you, but no thank you. I'd rather not see him straight away. I have somethings to explain." I say cautiously, rethinking whether or not I will regret this choice.

"Are you sure?" She asks and I know I'm not.

"Yeah, just don't tell him yet." I sigh.

"Jane, I'm Jane." She holds her hand out for me to shake but I have trouble lifting my arm.

A embarrassed smile spreads across her face.

"Sorry." She says, taking my hand in a gentle shake.

"I'll be back soon, I need to tell the doctor that you're awake." She smiles, leaving the room.

I nod, wondering what Zayn is thinking.

What am I going to tell him? Will Zayn already know about the bruises? Has he seen them?

How will I tell him?

My thoughts are disrupted by a tall, male doctor walking into the room.

"Louise Andrews?" He asks, picking up my file from the end of the hospital bed.


"I'm Doctor Timothy Meullor. It's nice to meet you." He introduces himself.

"Louise, same to you." I return the gesture.

"So Louise, could you please tell me how you got those bruises. I understand you have only just woken up but this is really important." He says, clicking a pen.

"If I tell you, he will hurt me more." I whisper.

"Now Louise, we can help you. We will protect you from him." He says soothingly, but I don't believe him.

"Is it Zayn who is hurting you?"

"No! What the hell! No! Never! He would never hurt me!" I scream at him.

"Okay, okay. Shhh, I'm sorry. I just need to know who it is." He approaches the side of the bed and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay to be scared but you need to tell us." He says.

I shake my head in disapproval.

He sighs heavily before leaving the room.


**Doctor Timothy Meullor's POV**

I sigh again as I walk out of Louise's room.

Why does she have to be so stubborn! I could've had the bastard arrested by now if she had told me who he was! Dammit, my job is difficult sometimes.

"How is she?" Jane asks.

"She won't tell me what happened, but she's almost fully awake now." I reply, fumbling with my clipboard and pen.

"What are you writing on that." She points to the page.

"Time of consciousness. 11:36pm on Monday the 6th of October 2014." I think allowed, scribbling in the details.

I walk into the waiting room to find Yaser and Zayn asleep in their chairs.

"Um excuse me, Mr Malik?" I say, loud enough to hopefully wake them up.

Yaser stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake, Zayn has no reaction at all.

"Excuse me?" I tap Yaser shoulder and he finally wakes.

"Sorry." He yawns.

"I have some news on Louise." I say.

"What? Is it good news?" He sits up straight.

"Yeah, she's awake but there are some things we need to sort. I'm still not allowed to tell you due to privacy, but I can tell you that she is okay." I explain.

"So are we allowed to see her?" Yaser asks, pulling out his phone.

"Not quite yet. She has only just woken up, so we think she may need a little bit of time, but I will let you know when you can see her." I answer.

"Thank you, thank you very much sir." Yaser says, shaking my hand.

**Yaser's POV**

"Zayn?" I shake his shoulder. "Zayn? Wake up." I say a little louder.

"What?" He groans, still half asleep.

"We have some news on Louise." I inform him.

"What?" He sits up in his seat, rubbing his eyes, appearing a little more alert.

"She's doing okay." I smile as a smile spreads across Zayn's lips.

"Really? Is she awake?" He says standing up.

As soon as the words leave his mouth, Dr. Meullor walks back into the waiting room.

Zayn knows what's coming next.

So do I.

I walk outside to call Trisha to inform her of the news.

**Zayn's POV**

He walks out of her room.

I know what's coming. Dad does too.

He leaves to call mum.

"Zayn, Louise is awake, but she's still groggy. It may be best if......" I don't listen to the rest of what he says.

I have to see her.

I have to see her.

I have to see her.

I get up, pushing past the doctor and hurrying down the hallway towards her room.

I push open the door to find myself frozen in the doorway.

"Hi, Zayn." Louise mutters, looking up at the roof.

Let Me Save You [Zayn Malik]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin