recording #4

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Recording #4 December 4th: Eddward
Status: Unopened

"Good morning, Eddward. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing very well today, actually!"

Ms. Salid chuckles. "That's a nice change, isn't it?

"Yes, it is."

"How are things going with you and Kevin?"

"Well. Ever since I started seeing Kevin, I notice myself desiring to get up in the morning and do all of the things I must more efficiently. It's... nice to have a lover."

"That's fantastic news, Edd! How is the boy treating you?"

"So, so well, Ms. Salid. He understands my condition, walks with me, makes food with me, and doesn't, well, expect anything if we're laying in bed together. He's so wonderful. Handsome. Kind. Intelligent. Must I go on?"

"Oh, Eddward, as much as I would love to listen to you drool over your boyfriend, I think we should continue from where we left off last time. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, of course."

"So, where were we...? Ah! Yes. We had just finished talking about your relationship with Alex... How is that affecting your relationship with Kevin?"

Edd hums. "It doesn't usually, but as usual, lots of little things can get me anxious. I love kissing him, feeling his warmth when we sleep together, all of the small, romantic things, but... Sex is still so scary to me."

"Why are you so scared of it?"

"I think after Alex, I just--I feel like everyone who shows romantic affection towards me has a common goal. Not that I think highly of myself at all, but it's so engraved in my mind that affection equals lust. I know that Kevin doesn't only feel lustful towards me, so I feel safer with him. It's still the thought of sex, maybe, that is prohibiting me."

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