Builiding a Family

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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. Real quick I'm gonna show you all Esme in this time.

Sara Bolger as Esme Cullen

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Sara Bolger as Esme Cullen. She's the first "child" of Carlisle and Deliciae. She's going to be the mate of Emmett.

I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Delicia pov
I was sitting in the living room reading. Carlisle was at work right now.

It had been a long time since we had left Volterra and we were happy. Everything had been relatively peaceful and quiet.

I heard Carlisle's car pull up but something was different. Carlisle had someone with him. Someone that was in transition. I ran down and saw Carlisle standing there with a girl in his arms. I sped over and spoke.
" What happened?"
" She fell from a tree. At first it looked like she had just hurt her leg but then she went unconscious. I had no choice. The parents think she's dead and they couldn't afford a funeral so I said I'd handle it. But she was so full of life Lici. I couldn't just let her die."
" Oh Carlisle." I looked at the girl and I felt a tug in my heart. I wanted to be there for that girl like a mother.
" Let's get her changed into something more comfortable." Carlisle sighed with relief.
" Thank you."
" Of course. But how old is she?"
" Sixteen."
" Alright. Let's go."

We got her cleaned up and I changed her clothing.

I put on my nightgown and robe and waited for her to wake up

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I put on my nightgown and robe and waited for her to wake up.

I didn't have to wait long as she woke up that night

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I didn't have to wait long as she woke up that night. I went over carefully.
" Hey sweetie. It's okay." She looked at me and I could tell she was nervous.
" Where am I?" I smiled softly and spoke.
"You're at my and my husband's house. My husband took care of you. He changed you into our kind."
"Your kind?" I smiled softly.
"Yes dear. A vampire." She locked shocked then started asking me all these questions. I laughed and answered her. Carlisle came in very soon and she tensed.
"It's alright. He won't hurt you." She eased up and spoke.
"You were the doctor." Carlisle smiled.
"I was. I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Delicia."
"Oh silly me. I forgot to tell you my name. What's your's?"
"Esme." I smiled.
"That's a beautiful name." She smiled shyly.
"Thank you." Carlisle chuckled and came over. He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my head.

We talked to Esme for hours and explained everything. We even took her hunting. By the end of the day she was calling me mom and Carlisle dad. This was going to be interesting.

Seven years later
It had been seven years since we gained Esme as a member and I was so happy to have her around. She was such a sweet girl. But I knew Carlisle wanted to find her a mate. Like what he had with me.

One day I was helping Esme with school when Carlisle came in. I knew the look he had on his face so I kissed Esme's head then stood up. I went over to my husband.
"Carlisle." He smiled softly at me then kissed me.
"Another one of my patients died today. Except she has a son who is also in the hospital. She begged me to save him. When I said I would do everything I could she said that I can do what others can't. That only I could save him." I was shocked.
"She knew?"
"No. Not fully but I think she suspects that I'm not human."
"Oh Carlisle. What are you going to do?"
"I want to save the boy Lici. I need to. He's such a young and innocent kid." I smiled and put my hand on his cheek.
"I'll support you no matter what." Carlisle smiled and we kissed.
"Ew! Mom! Dad!!" I chuckled and Carlisle laughed. He looked at our adopted daughter.
"Esme Ann. One of these days you'll find someone special and want to be like this with them."
"Hopefully not soon. Gross." I chuckled and shook my head. Carlisle smirked and went over. He tickled our daughter and she squealed.
"Dad!!!!! Stop it!!!!!!!!" I smiled and laughed watching Carlisle interact with our daughter. Our family was getting bigger and I was happy.

Fifteen years later
It has been fifteen years since we added Edward to our family and he and Esme still were waiting for their mates. The two of them weren't mates like Carlisle had hoped but they had a very close sibling bond.

I was currently sitting at my desk writing a letter to Marcus. We had stayed in touch really well and I was happy to be able to talk to him.

Dear Marcus,
It's been fifteen years since we added Edward and we haven't had much peace. Edward and Esme both can be withdrawn and quiet but have loads of energy when they want to. Especially Esme. I know Carlisle worries about them both and wants them to find happiness. I keep reminding him that I'm sure they will it just takes time some time. After all it took me centuries to find my mate. I wish you and Aro could see Carlisle interact with Esme and Edward. Esme especially loves him so much. She is definitely a daddy's girl. She is so bright and gifted. She never ceases to amaze me. You know she designed our newest home? She wanted to try something new she said. Carlisle teased her and said that she's too curious for her own good just like me. At that she stuck her tongue out at him and said that he's going to be in lots of trouble with me if he keeps it up. I was laughing and even Edward was smiling.

Carlisle and I spoke and we decided to wait to have children. I know I can but we wanted to wait. How are things on your end? I hope all is well. I miss you a lot. Oh and since I know you'll show this to Aro I want to say I miss him also. Even his annoying habit of reading my thoughts without asking. Edward does the same thing. Please write soon. I can't wait to hear from you. I'm putting in a family picture we had done recently. I hope you and Aro like it. Tell Caius hello from me if he'll let you. Oh. By the way. I'm still wearing the necklace you and Aro gave me before I left. I've never taken it off.
Sincerely your sister,
Delicia Cullen

I put my pen down and sighed. I got the letter ready to mail. I hope Marcus liked it. He and Aro wrote me pretty regularly and I enjoyed reading their letters.

Volterra Italy
Marcus pov
I was in my study when Alec came in.
"Master Marcus. There is a letter here for you." I nodded and took it. I smiled the minute I saw who it was from. Lici. I waved Alec off then opened the letter and read it. I chuckled at her telling me about Esme and Carlisle teasing each other. I smiled while reading that Esme had designed their newest home. When I found the picture I couldn't help but smile. Esme looked a little like Lici in the way they were sitting but also her body language. I stood up and went to find Aro.

I found him with Caius in the library. Aro looked up when I entered.
"Ah Marcus. What is it?" I smiled and spoke.
"A letter from Lici." Aro grinned and took it to read while Caius rolled his eyes and huffed. Aro smiled.
"She seems to be doing well." I nodded my head. Caius stood up and left in a huff. Aro and I shared a worried look. Then Aro spoke to me.
"Why don't you go visit her for a little bit? I know she misses seeing you."
"And you brother. But I wouldn't mind seeing her and meeting those kids. Esme especially sounds like a handful."
"That she does. Write her and tell her you're coming to visit. I think you should be the first to meet our niece and nephew." I nodded my head and went to go write to her. I was excited to go visit her and I knew she would be ecstatic to visit with me. The only problem was Caius.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoyed. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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