A Visit and New Member

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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Delicia pov
I was excited. Marcus was due to arrive today. I had been giddy when I read the letter and Carlisle had been very amused at my joy.

I had gotten the mail and saw a letter from Marcus. I smiled and quickly went inside so I could open it.

Dear Lici,
I'm glad to hear you are enjoying yourself. It sounds like you have your hands full so I think holding off on having a child of your own is wise. All is well here. Aro misses you dearly and sends his regards and love. Aro said he misses you and your habit of meddling. He wished for to me inform you that he wants us to visit. I'll be coming first in a few weeks. I am very excited to see this life you have built for yourself. I believe Felix and Demetri will be with me since Aro would prefer I don't go alone. Caius is well though his temper has grown worse. He does not seem to care for much of anything anymore. But don't worry. Aro and I are working on it. I look forward to visiting with you and meeting these children of yours. Aro wishes to meet our niece and nephew also. Give Carlisle my regards and I will see you soon.
Sincerely your brother,

I grinned the minute I read he was visiting. I ran downstairs and Carlisle looked up.
"What is it love?"
"Marcus wishes to visit. He said he'll be here in a few weeks with Felix and Demetri most likely." Carlisle chuckled. Esme spoke.
"Who is Marcus mother?"
"He's my soul brother. Much like you and Edward." Edward spoke.
"So he's our uncle?"
"He is. Along with your uncle Aro and your uncle Caius. Though your uncle Caius does not speak to me at all."
"Wait. Are they the same three in that painting?"
"They are. Marcus is the one with brown hair. Aro has black hair and Caius has blond hair."  Esme spoke.
"Will he like us?"
"I believe he will sweetie. Marcus is a good man and he's very excited to meet you two." Esme grinned.
"I want to meet our uncle also." I chuckled and kissed her head.
"You will sweetie."
End of flashback

Finally I heard a car pull up. I went out to see Carlisle getting out with Marcus. I smiled and ran over. Marcus saw me coming and held out his arms. We hugged a lot then pulled away.
"I'm glad you're here brother." Marcus chuckled.
"I'm glad to be here Lici. You look different." I laughed.
"Thank you. Come in and meet your niece and nephew." Marcus nodded his head and followed me.

In the living room Esme and Edward were waiting. Esme walked up shyly.
"Hello. You must be Uncle Marcus." He smiled at her.
"I am. And you must be Esme. I've heard a lot about you young lady." She giggled and hid behind me. Edward came up.
"Hello Edward." Marcus said.

We settled in and caught up. Esme immediately took to Demetri and Felix and they bonded like siblings or cousins.
"Aro sends his love." Marcus said. I laughed.
"Of course. How is he?"
"He's good. He misses having you around though he won't immediately admit it."
"Of course not." Just then Carlisle came down dressed in his doctor clothes. He came over and kissed my head.
"I'm sorry love but I need to go to the office for a little bit. I won't be long I hope."
"Of course. Go on." We kissed. Esme stood up and ran over to him.
"Do you have to go dad?"
"I'm afraid so sweetie. I won't be long and meanwhile you can have a good time with your Uncle and cousins." Esme nodded and hugged him one last time. Carlisle left after saying goodbye to everyone. At some point Esme and Edward started arguing. I sighed.
"Alright you two. Enough. Arguing won't solve the problem."
"Sorry mom." They both said. I shook my head with a fond smile. Marcus chuckled.
"They are a handful."
"Mmm. They can be."

Marcus and I talked for a while before I smelled human blood. I stood up immediately. I was worried.

I sped out to find Carlisle coming out of his car with a girl. I gasped. She was so bloody and bruised. I sped over.
"What happened?" Carlisle sighed.
"I found her in a alley. She's been raped and beaten multiple times." I went over and helped Carlisle.

Carlisle changed her and I cleaned her up. Carlisle burned the clothes then we went down. Marcus smiled gently at me when I sat down tired. I smiled back. Esme came over.
" Mother. Will we have a new sister?" I smiled softly and spoke.
" I believe so sweetie." Marcus chuckled and spoke.
" She's more than a sister for Edward." I looked shocked then smiled.
" Edward. Why don't you go see her?" He nodded and went up. Esme looked confused so I smiled and spoke to her.
" Your uncle can see the bonds between people. Edward has a mate bond with the girl." Esme grinned.
" He finally found love?"
" He has."
" Maybe now he'll stop being so annoying and brooding." I laughed hard and Carlisle smiled slightly.
" Esme." Carlisle said with a light scolding tone. Marcus chuckled.
" She is a handful." Carlisle spoke.
" Just like her mother."
" Hey!" I yelled. Carlisle and Marcus were chuckling. I rolled my eyes.
" I'm beginning to remember why having you two around was such a bad idea." Marcus smiled and spoke.
" I'm sorry sister. It's just you're so easy to tease."
" Look who's talking." He chuckled and shook his head. I rolled my eyes but smiled.
" Marcus. Would you mind going for a walk with me?"
" Not at all." I smiled and stood up. I went over to Carlisle and kissed him then spoke.
" I'll be back soon." He nodded and kissed my forhead.
"Go on." I turned to Esme.
" Why don't you hang out with Felix and Demetri for a bit? I'll be back soon sweetie."
"Yes ma'am."

Marcus and I went a little bit away before I spoke.
" How is he really?" Marcus sighed and smiled sadly.
" Not good. He's gotten very cruel and vicious. He also doesn't listen to reason at all. At this point the only one that can stop him is Aro or I." I looked down feeling guilty. Marcus chuckled and squeezed my hand.
" Lici. It's not your fault. Caius is naturally stubborn I believe and he does miss you he just won't admit it." I sighed and looked away.
" He's more than stubborn Marcus. Caius' temper was never good. I was usually the only one who could get him to see reason. But there's something more. He's always been protective of me. When he was turned that protectiveness got worse. He believes it was his responsibility to shield me from the horrors of being a vampire. And when he couldn't and I was turned it only got worse. He blames himself everyday for not being able to allow me to live a normal, human life. What he doesn't realize is I never wanted that. The minute I learned what he had become I wanted to be with him and to be there for him. He's forgetting that it was my choice." Marcus sighed.
" He knows Deliciae. That is why he feels guilty. He feels like it was your bond that forced you to do something you wouldn't have done if he hadn't been there." I sighed and sat down.
" Our bond. How bad is it?" Marcus froze then sighed and sat down next to me.
" It's not good. Not as strong as it used to be. But it's still there. It's not gone." I smiled.
" Thank you Marcus." He smiled and nodded.
" It can be fixed Lici. You two will just need to talk. But you can have a good relationship with him again even if you are not together all the time." I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back.
" Thank you Marcus." He nodded his head and withdrew.
"Let's go back. I believe your newest family member should be up soon." I smiled.
"Yes. I can't wait to meet her." We walked back to the house.

When we went in I saw Edward was downstairs and right next to him was the girl. She turned the minute we entered. I saw her tense and Carlisle got in front of me hissing lowly. I put a hand on his arm.
" Love. It's alright." He eased up. I carefully took a step.
" Hello there." She tensed but when she saw I meant no harm she eased up. I smiled and took a step.
" What's your name?"
" Rosalie." I smiled.
" That's a lovely name. I'm Deliciae but I go by Lici. This is my husband Carlisle. Our children Edward and Esme. My brother Marcus and this is Felix and Demetri." She nodded tensely. Carlisle spoke.
" Edward. Take her hunting son." He nodded and drew her away. Marcus smiled softly at me.
" We're going to go hunt then we'll be back." I nodded my head. Carlisle came over to me and kissed my head.
"It will be fine love." I smiled.
"Thank you." He nodded and kissed me. This was going to be interesting.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoy. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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