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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Delicia pov
I was on the couch with a hand on my stomach.

We had returned two weeks ago. Since then Marcus and Carlisle had been working to try and figure out what was going on.

" Mom." I looked to see Rose standing there. I smiled and patted the spot next to me. She sat down and spoke.
" If you could have kids all along why did you and dad change us?" I smiled softly.
" Oh Rose. Don't ever for a second think we consider you anything less then our kids. Because you are our children. We changed you because you all deserved a second chance. We weren't expecting you all to stay and if you had wanted to leave we wouldn't have fought. But the minute each of you was changed I felt protective of all of you. When Alice and Jasper showed up I became protective of them. I've always loved you like you are my own. And nothing will change that. Ever." Rose smiled and spoke.
" Thank you mom." I nodded. Just then I felt the baby kick. I put my hand in the spot and felt it again. Rose spoke.
" Can I mom?"
" Of course." She put her hand on my stomach and felt the kick. She grinned.
" Hi little baby. I'm you're big sister Rose. I can't wait to meet you. And neither can your other siblings." I smiled softly and petted Rose's hair.
"My eldest girl." Rose smiled at me.

Later I was reading a book when my phone rang. I picked it up to see Aro calling me.

"Hello brother."
"Sister. Marcus tells me you are expecting."
"I am. He and Carlisle are trying to figure out more about this."
"Well. I may have information." I raised an eyebrow.
"Aro. Where are you?"
"I'm in a car headed to Forks. I thought I'd see how my sister is doing after all."
"Oh Aro. You should have mentioned that to me."
"I wanted to surprise you sister. We'll be there soon."
"We? Aro please tell me you didn't." I heard Aro sigh.
"I'm afraid he was rather insistent." I growled.
"If he hurts them........" I heard the scoff in the background.
"He won't Lici. I promise."
"Alright. I'll see you soon."
"Yes. I'll see you soon."

Once I hung up I sighed and leaned back.
"Del?" I opened my eyes to see my mate looking at me with worry. I smiled and held my hand out gently. He sped and took it.
"Are you alright?" I shook my head.
"I'll be fine." Marcus had come in by now as had Didyme.
"I'm sorry sister. If I had known Aro would come I would have not told him yet."
"Thank you Marcus. It's fine. It's not Aro I'm concerned about." Didyme sat down next to me.
"It's still hard to believe that you and Caius fought. You two were so close. What happened?"
"I have no idea Di. Honestly. He was so angry at me for wanting to leave. To be with my mate." Didyme sighed.
"Aro was upset when Marcus and I first thought about leaving but we talked it over. In the end we decided against it for the time." I sighed and leaned back.
"Mom?" I looked and saw the kids had just come back from their hunt. Alice spoke.
"I saw their decision to come. Will you be okay?" I smiled.
"I'll be fine sweetie. Just please be on your best behavior. All of you." They nodded. Esme curled into my side. Marcus spoke.
"Looks like you all are going to finally meet your uncle Caius." Didyme spoke.
"Wait. They haven't met him?"
"Not officially. They see him whenever we visit Volterra. But Caius makes sure to go out of his way to avoid me and my family." Just then I heard the cars pull up. Didyme grinned.
"I am so giving Aro a scare." I chuckled and shook my head.

Aro and Didyme had always been beyond close. They loved each other so much.

I stood up and went out. Aro smiled when he saw me.
"Lici." I went over and we hugged.
"Aro. It's good to see you. But I do have a little surprise for you." Didyme sped out just then.
"Hello brother." He was shocked.
"Didi?" She grinned and threw her arms around his neck. He held her tightly. I saw him mouth thank you to me. I nodded and smiled. Caius was standing there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Didyme pulled away from Aro and spoke to my brother.
"What is the matter with you Caius? You should be overjoyed that your sister found her mate and has a family." He scoffed and looked away. Didyme and I shared a sad look. Just then Esme came running out.
"Uncle Aro!!!!" He chuckled and picked her up.
"And how is my little niece?"
"Good. I'm going to be a big sister soon."
"I heard." Everyone else had come over by now. Esme tackled Felix and Demetri in a hug. I laughed and shook my head. Caius scoffed and rolled his eyes. I glared at him. Oh hell no. Not in front of my children.
"Problem brother?" I hissed. Marcus and Aro froze knowing what was coming. Marcus went to stand next to me while Aro kept very close to Caius.
"How can you love these brats? They're not even yours. And now you are going to have two little brats with that mate of yours. Do you really need more kids or were these ones just a test run?" I growled and my eyes flashed black.
"Do not ever insult them. Ever again. I don't give a damn if you're pissed at me. But they are not part of this. They were not a test run. They are not brats. They are my children. And my mate has a name Caius Ademos Volturi. Do not test my temper. You may be a king but you will respect me in my own home. I never realized that becoming a vampire could turn you into such a idiot." Carlisle had come over and was rubbing my arms. Caius scoffed.
"I'm the idiot? Look around Delicia. You are playing human when you aren't a human. You play family as if you could actually have a family. You are just trying to replace all you lost when you were turned." I froze shocked then I spoke in a deadly calm voice.
"What I lost?" I stepped up to Caius despite Marcus trying to keep me back. Both Aro and Marcus knew how bad my temper could get if left unchecked.
"I lost my family. I lost everything. I thought I would never have a mate because who could love a monster like me? But Carlisle has shown me time and time again that I'm worthy of love. My children show me that. They are so good and kind. They show me that I have missed nothing." I got right in front of him.
"And need I remind you brother. You turned me. So if I lost anything it is because of you." He looked shocked then glared at me. I turned around and walked back to Carlisle.
"Do not ever insult me in front of my children." I went inside furious.

Later Carlisle insisted that we try to see the babies so I was in his office. Aro was there excited to see the babies also. Marcus had forced Caius to go hunting with him. After a minute or two Carlisle spoke.
" There's the baby." I looked and froze.
" Carlisle. Look at the screen closely." He looked and was shocked.
" Twins?" On the screen was not one but two babies. Well this was going to be interesting.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoyed. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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