Chapter 2

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Jooheon POV (Saturday 08:00pm)

As I was  getting ready for the guys to come over I couldn't get over the feeling that I've seen that smile before.It felt like a smile I would kill for.Well....I already kill.Me and my friends and family are all apart of the Mafia.

Soon I will be the "King" of the Lee mafia.I've been training ever since I could remember.As I putting out the snacks the guys entered (except Changkyun). "Where's Kyun?" "Who?"Wonho looked at me with his eyes squinted. "Changkyun" "OhHhHh" "He told me he'll be here in about fifteen minutes he had to do something."

"Hey Jooheon what do we do if Changkyun asks what we do for a living?" I forgot to tell you this but Wonho,kihyun,minhyuk,Hyungwon,And shownu are all in my family's mafia.When we get a group assignment (we usually do) we all go together.

"Just make something up ,everybody do that." " We can't trust him just yet."

Changkyun POV

I was getting ready to leave when my parents called me to the living room.As I walked in I saw them on the white leather couch that match the light gray floors. "Yes?" "Soon you'll lead our family's mafia so we are going to tell you this information about one of our biggest enemies the Lee family,the reason why we tell you to watch out is because we don't know if they are trying to attempt to take over by trying to Assassinate you."I nod taking all of this information carefully. "We wanted to tell you now before it's to late ,but don't worry too much ,now get along to hang out with your friends and make sure not to reveal yourself.Understand?" "Yes sir"

I started to walk to my car as I started thinking about what my father said.I hate the fact that I have to compete with another Mafia I mean can't they just give up? I soon arrive at Jooheon's house.I see car in the driveway so I'm guessing the others are already here.I then look at the house,it looked like of your casual modern mansion houses.The ones that had a big balcony,big garage and huge door.I knocked on the door,when the door opened my eyes met a bright smile. "CHANGKYUN!!!!" I smiled and hugged Minhyuk who was practically crushing me.

I took in my surroundings it looked so calm and dull,it looks like a house I wouldn't mind living in.Minhyuk leads me where the others are,they were all on the couch talking."Hey" I waved at the five boys who all looked at me with bright smiles(not as bright as Minhyuk's though,he wouldn't to fail to make anyone smile).

I looked at Jooheon,he then patted a seat on the couch next to him so I went and sat down. "Who wants to play truth or dare or Strip?" Minhyuk said while everyone was looking his way "What's that?" I ask,I never really go out with people because one, I have to train for becoming the head of the Mafia and two, because I don't trust people easily (and also because I'm really socially awkward).

"It's where you do a dare or truth and if you refuse you take a piece of clothing off" "Isn't that kinda gay?"I look towards Hyungwon who was eating a bag of chips that came out of nowhere. "We have Wonho of course it's gonna be gay!" I started laughing as Wonho hit Kihyun's arm then soon apologized to the hurt hamster.We then all agreed to play "okay,Wonho you ask some one first"
"Changkyun,I dare you to tell us if you ever had sex with someone and if so what gender?" "That's easy yes and with a guy and a girl.I prefer guys though."Everyone seemed shocked for a second."I didn't expect you to be so normal about that question" I responded with a shrug looking at Jooheon.This kept on going soon shownu went to get drinks and they were shocked to see that I handled drinking well.I guess they thought I was going to be one of those people who don't talk a lot and is weak and hates drinking.They were wrong.

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