Chapter 5

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Changkyun POV

When I woke up I felt like I was on a cloud.It felt like I've done this before.

"Hey why do you look so sad *****"I looked up at the boy who was looking at the ocean in front of us.He had a expressionless face."it's nothing really,but I found out information from over hearing my parents conversation"I looked at him confused "what did you find out?"He looked at me with tears about in his eyes "they were making a deal with your parents for us to fight each other and who ever wins has to take over the company business"

During that time I didn't know that my family was in the mafia I was far to young to remember.I guess that's why I still can't remember that person.But I do know that he is in the Lee family or was I believe shortly after he told me that our parents separated us but all I could remember was him.And how he looked like life had been sucked out of him.I don't think he's alive because of that memory that keeps me up at night sometimes.

As I got out of my thoughts I started to get up to go make breakfast.

Jooheon POV

I woke to my phone going off beside me."Hello" "JOOHEON!!!I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET TO YOU ALL MORNING WHY HAVEN'T YOU'VE BEEN PICKING UP?!" I pull my phone away from my face so I don't have to hear his rambling about how I didn't pick up the phone."It's to early for this"I sighed as I began to speak to my father

"I've been at a friends house all night" "well, remember to be careful ,but what I wanted to tell you is that I need you and the others to look out for the IM family,there's something coming up that I will tell you soon but I need you and your gang to look out and try to destroy the IM family,clear" "Yes sir"

After my conversation with my father I looked over to see that Changkyun and the others were gone."Hey Jooheon you're up!" "Finally" "Why do you look so annoyed?"I looked over to Minhyuk."My father called,he just wanted me to do something"The guys have a oh look but then I realized that Changkyun in the Kitchen with us.

I looked over to see him give a confused look."What does he want you to do?""oh ummmmm"I look at the guys for help then Changkyun spoke."you don't have to say anything sorry for asking something personal" "It's fine"

After that awkward situation he served us all breakfast.We all decided to stay at Changkyun's for a little while unti we started our mission."Hey Jooheon,since everyone seems to be doing their thing with each other do you want to come up to my room and talk?"

I looked over at Changkyun to see that he was blushing slightly."or you don't have to if you don-" "I would love to" I had a smile on my face before standing up and heading to Changkyun's room.

Me and Changkyun have actually been getting along quite easily these couple of weeks."So Honey how long have you've known the others?" "Ummm I think I was eight when I met all of them.All of their parents were close to my parents so I saw them quite a lot." "Oh,that seems nice I don't really have friends well,before all of y'all of course"I gave him a confused look.

"My parents home schooled me so i didn't really get to see other kids my age and most of my parents friends ether don't have kids or they were older than I was like a lot older."I gave him a sad look.When I first saw him he looked like he was guarded,I guess that's the reason why I went to go and talk to him.

"I'm sorry that got dark fast" He looked at me,it didn't seem like he was sad about that until I looked closely at his eyes he was slightly sad and had tears.Without mention I hugged him.

Changkyun POV

I looked at Jooheon.Suddenly,he hugged me.I didn't normally like hugs even from my family but for some reason I hugged him back.It was so warm and comforting.It was then I noticed that I was crying.It just hit me now that The reason I was so cold hearted to people was because no one was ever beside me to help me with all of my struggles and pain.

Until now,I have the others and most importantly I have Jooheon.He pulled out of the hug and looked at me."now you don't have to feel lonely,I will make sure that I will be there by your side to listen to you and to protect you"

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