Chapter 3

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Jooheon POV(Day after the hangout)
Why does my head hurt so much?Ohhhhh yeaaa.We drank too much.WAIT!I hope nobody said anything stupid. "Hey Jooheon,wake up the others are about done with breakfast." I face Changkyun.I noticed that we were close to each other,I got a very good view at his soft plump lips. "Jooheon you coming?" "O-oh yea be right there."Why is it that every time I look at Changkyun I feel like I should know him.Almost like he was an important part of my life.

I walk into the kitchen to see everybody talking to each other. "How was your sleep?" "Good" Kihyun nodded. "Hey Jooheon,can I ask you a question?" "Yea what is it?" "What do you do or what do your parents do?" Everyone stopped eating and looked Changkyun's way. "I mean you have a big and beautiful house more like mansion." "Oh my parents are the CEO of a big company." I'm technically not lying to him,they really do own a big company and one of the big mafias but he doesn't have to know that.

"Oh,sorry if that was a weird or personal question." "It's fine" We all started eating again but the air was thick.Kihyun broke the silence."Hey since everyone doesn't have work we should go the arcade" "Yea sounds great."

Changkyun POV
We all went in the car and headed to the arcade.Why I am so stupid?Clearly Jooheon didn't like that topic.Nobody else liked that topic either.Do they all work together?By the time I was about to ask someone questions about that we arrived.I quickly get rid of all the thoughts in my head.As we go into the arcade I'm met with the sounds of video games.We all go our separate ways,Kihyun goes with Shownu,Wonho goes with Hyungwon and Minhyuk,and I go with Jooheon.

"Let's play Pac-Man!!!"

60 Minutes Later...

"Honey!!!!Can't you at least fake losing?"We have played over 50 times and every single time Jooheon wins!It slightly irritates me.My phone buzzes. "Why would I fake losing....Changkyun?" "Sorry I have to go my father texted me" "Let me take you home." "Thanks but no,i need to go alone sorry,we can catch up later." I wave off Jooheon.

Changkyun we need to talk about work.

Ok I'm on my way but what is it about?

I have a mission for you to do.

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