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Minho's POV
I smirked as I entered the bathroom, hearing him lightly moan my name. I wonder if he knows that I'm even here.

I exited the bathroom quietly, waiting just outside. A minute passed, turning into 2 then 3. I went inside the bathroom again to see if he was still jacking off.

Good for him! He finished.

He was washing his hands when I walked in. Oh how his eyes widened at the sight of me. I nearly laughed right then and there.

"Smells a bit......"

I sniffed the air for an extra effect.

"...... fishy?"

I watched as his facial expression turned from worries to horrified.

I laughed out loud, making him a bit uncomfortable.

"I-I'm so- uGh sorRy- y-y-you're fACE!"

He nervously chuckled, unsure of what to make out of this situation.

I stopped laughing and looked him carefully in the eyes. I noticed something I didn't notice before.

His eyes were beautifully crafted, wide and alert, his hair just above his eyebrows, creating a soft look on him. And his cheeks- his cheeks were perfectly slim yet chubby, making him look younger yet mature. How does one do this? I don't know.

"M-Minho? We should go back now. He looked down at his feet, cheeks now bright red.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course."

I lifted his chin, making him look me in the eyes.

I pulled his head a bit closer to mine, until my face was near his ear.

"Let's go, squirrel."

Jisung's POV
I was shocked. Squirrel? What kind of nickname I that? Despite the unflattering situation, I still blushed.

"You know, you blush easily."

I blushed even harder.

Damn you, Han Jisung.

"Let's actually go though."

I nodded.

"Yeah.... lets go."

Once we returned, Mrs. Park started to yell at us.

"Where were you guys?"

"We were in the bathroom."

I eyed Minho, trying to get him to look at me. He either didn't notice or didn't care enough to look down.

"Doing what?"

She asked while raising her eyebrows.

"Doing drugs."

"No! Mrs. Park please hear me out I-"

"No. Jisung, I don't think you would've done that, but Me. Lee here is a completely different story."

I gulped and looked down, my face red. I guess I looked suspicious, because she ended up giving me detention with him.


Just great.

Minho's POV
I nearly died of laughter, watching Jisung's face slowly fall. And so did everybody else. I can already see the headlines.

'New student gets detention after getting caught with infamous Minho'.


"See you after school, Squirrel."

As I passed him, I harshly squeezed at his crotch, making him wince in both pleasure and confusion.

I smirked to myself.

I'm going to make this year a living hell for him.

Not because I hate him, but for a more simple reason. I am a fuckboy.

I'll mess with both boys and girls hearts until they break.

Why do I do this?

Now that, my friend, is a story for another time.

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