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Minho's POV
I woke up and saw that my phone was on the floor. I checked my notifications and saw that Wendy had sent me her nudes. I smirked to myself, knowing that I would have her in my bed in no time.

Then I would throw her away just like I did with the others.

They never learn, do they.

I tugged on a grey sweatshirt and ripped jeans.

As I was changing, the other bed caught my attention. I don't have a roommate, and I want it to stay that way.

Because it's Saturday, I decided to go get some coffee.

I picked up my phone and started texting Wendy.


Minho: Hey wanna meet up at a cafe to grab some coffee in 10?

Wendy: Sure!!! 💕

Wendy: Which cafe?

Minho: At Sheila's cafe

Wendy: Ok!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Read - 11.25

I smirked, leaving her on read.


Minho: Hey wanna meet up at Sheila's cafe in 5?

Jisoo: Sure. You picking me up?😘

Minho: No. You have legs, you have a car, and you have money for the bus. Don't be late.

Jisoo: Fine, Mr. Roodie😞

I cringed at her texts.

'Mr. Roodie'?

The fuck is that?

I drove to the cafe, anticipating upon Jisoo's arrival.

I stared out the window, suddenly getting lost as the world passed oh so quickly before my eyes.

I watched as the cats sped by on this cloudy day. Funny and coincidental. My mood has been this just like the weather lately. An enormous pit of........ nothing. Soon, I'm going to be dead, with my dead corpse the only thing people would remember me by. But would people remember me? I'm not worth it. I'm just another fuckboy who will always fuck with others heart. That's all I am. That's all I am. That's all I am.

"Hey Minho."

I felt a pair of arms around me from behind.

I turned towards her and kissed her as Wendy walked in.

I watched as Wendy's face crumbled up in sadness, anger, and disappointment.

Sadness because she thought that I had actually liked her.

Anger because I didn't.

Disappointment because she thought I would change.

But no.

I will never change.

Can't you see?

This is me.

Don't try to change me.

Wendy's POV
I knew it.

I've always known.

He would break my heart.

Did I listen to my friends?


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