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Jisung's POV
I awoke to the sound of someone snoring. As I look over, I saw that Minho was on his bed, sleeping, of course. I tried to ignore his snoring, but he wasn't making it easy. I stood up with a pillow under my arm and walked over to his bed. My original plan was to shove the pillow in his face, but I just couldn't stop looking at his face. His face was so perfect, it hurt. His face was pale, yet a bit tan. His double-lided eyes were relaxed and peaceful, making me unconsciously smile. His lips were partly opened, revealing his perfect teeth.

"Why is he so perfect?"

"When do you want to stop staring at me?"

I jumped back, startled.

He sat up, his eyes glazed over from the tears that were caused by his constant yawning.

"What do you want to have for breakfast?"

Minho's POV
I slightly open my eyes to see Jisung just...... staring at me.

Yes, it was a bit awkward, but because he seemed to be looking at me with such curiosity and caution, it almost seemed.... cute?

"....... So what are we having for breakfast?"

I looked at him in disbelief.

"I'll eat when I want to eat. You can go and try to make some food, but I'm not cooking."

He just nodded his head in acknowledgment and entered the kitchen.

After 30 minutes, I heard the sound of chopsticks crashing onto the ground and a grunt of frustration.

He came into the bedroom and shrugged on a jacket.

"I'm going to Sheila's cafe."

"Get me a chicken club sandwich and coke."


"Because you will."

Rolling his eyes, he head out.

Jisung's POV
"A waste of time. That's what he is."

I muttered to myself while walking to the cafe.

I took in the scent of cherry blossoms and the sight of those beautiful, careless trees.

Though it is an inanimate object, I felt as if it were breathing.

We breathe in oxygen, we breathe out carbon dioxide.

Trees 'breathe' in our carbon dioxide, they 'breathe' out oxygen.

One cant live without the other.

Well technically speaking, trees could live without us.

But what would be the whole point of doing something so amazing of living creatures can't appreciate it?

Once I finally reached the cafe, I unknowingly bought a chicken club sandwich and a coke bottle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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