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Wang YangZhen

I could hear their footsteps coming... then I saw their silhouette... Shen Zhou and his men of fifty people... Dragon Head of our ally, YueLiang Clan.

My security unit consisted of the  same number stood in attention as they slowly advanced towards us in this abandoned warehouse, where we usually meet up during this kind of situations, when we have to talk about important clan matters.

"YangZhen..." he greeted... gesturing for his men to stand their ground... and so I did the same, as our guards tried their best to relax around each other...

"Zhou... I slowly approached him and shook his hand.

The YueLiang and the JiaoYang Clans have been allied for ages... even before the truce between Triad Clans were made. Our elders developed a deep mutual respect for each other that they've made a truce by themselves during those times when the Underground is still on its chaotic state where clans destroyed one another, battling for dominance.

"YangZhen... I heard that a mole infiltrated your turf? he inquired, slowly letting go of my hand and leisurely tucking it inside his trousers, while I took a pack of cigarette out of my pocket offering him one which he politely declined...

" You're really not smoking my friend?... how come?" I asked giving him a smirk which he returned with that gentle smile he is very famous for.

"My daughter, Yue will raise hell if she finds out that I took one... and she will find out... She's not my Red Pole for nothing."

"So... about that mole... my men took care of it... but I admit., it was very careless  of us for having let that worm sneak his way into our clan." I said.

"Are you sure that your men took care of it? I'm pretty sure that they didn't..." Shen Zhou nonchalantly said.

"What are you trying to say my friend... that I have incompetent men? You're hurting my feelings brother." I jokingly replied... as I took note  to contact Wu Xize, Wu Xing Squad's second in command and my nephew to ask him about this matter.

" I have no such intentions brother, Its just that after having information that you were infiltrated and that important data from your clan were stolen, I ordered my Luna Elite Force to retrieve it for you. In fact Yue's team informed me that they have recovered the hard drive and all the data in it and as a bonus killed that worm Mike Angelo and his b*tch for you in retribution... that's how. important our alliance is for me... I would gladly kill anyone in defense of you and your clan because I know that you would do the same if the same thing happens to me. " Shen Zhou relayed, his face ernest, his gaze not faltering, as he assessed my reaction.

" Of course... our alliance is important to me as it is to you my friend. Speaking of which... word of destabilization of the Underground here in China has already reached HongKong. I sent HeDi there to appease the elders and tell them that the Underground is still under our control and that the truce between Triad Clans is still in effect... but the Heise Dushe Clan is making progress in destroying weaker clans, killing their men and stealing their resources, enabling them to gain more power... while they start rifts between them so they would wage war with each other. The situation is making me worried.. we should take action now. "  I said as I informed. him of the Chinese Underground's current predicament

" Are you suggesting to wage war with the Heise Dushe? You know that we will always stand by you when that situation arises. " Shen Zhou's expression was serious... I could also sense wariness in his voice... because between the two of us... he is the diplomatic one...

"If we could avoid that brother... we will. We have to resort to a peaceful way of resolving this issue, to not violate the Truce. I have always believed that there is strength in numbers my friend... I think if we merge our clan into one... the Heise Dushe will have second thoughts in trying to ruin the peace we have established between clans in the Chinese Underground. Knowing that we are strong enough to burn them, will make them think twice in executing their plans of destabilization." I suggested as his expression turned more serious than before.

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