Fear and Fury

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"Are we seriously buying this crib Di? This is too much." I said as I stared at a huge white crib complete with pink canopy, ribbons and fancy ruffles.

"Of course... nothing but the best for my princess" He said with that satisfied grin on his face as he stood beside me reaching out for my swollen belly to tenderly give it a caress.

Who would have thought that this man towering beside me leads the most powerful and notorious Triad Clan in China?

His soft expression, as he cradled my protruding belly in his palms while watching the sales personnel pack the crib he had chosen for our child, warms my heart...

"Let's go... Father is waiting for us at his villa... he invited your dad and your brother for dinner." He held my hand giving it a light tug and ushered me out of the store after paying for our purchase... which would be delivered at our home tomorrow. The thought making me excited, for we are in the process of fixing the nursery.

We were in the middle of a discussion of where to place the crib when Dylan's phone rang...

"Wei?... YiRen... Yes, she's with me we're shopping for the b-...Wei...wei?"

"Why did YiRen called?" I asked... curious about his phone conversation as we proceeded towards the mall's exit...

"She just asked where we are and if you're with me... then her line was cut off..." his forehead furrowed in concern.

"Stop overthinking Di... her phone could've just died down..." I said as I squeezed his hand in comfort.

"She sounded urgent though... and its weird that she called me at this time... when the risk of her being discovered is so high." I could sense the unease in his voice while he held my hand as we made our way to the mall's exit where Zhiting Ge and XiZe would be picking us up... I felt the presence of ZiWei ang XiaoWen as they discreetly followed us from behind.

Our men were already waiting for us inside two vehicles, a Mercedez Sedan and my husband's Aston Martin parked a few steps away when we arrived at our destination

XiZe, who was driving my husband's Aston Martin immediately alighted the vehicle to hand over the keys to Dylan so he could join Zhiting Ge, XiaoWen and Ziwei in the other car... who would be tailing us to our destination.

Being the protective husband that he is, Dylan guided me inside the car, making sure that I am sitting comfortably before he made his way to the driver's seat. I was strapping my seatbelt on, while he was about to close the car's door for me when I noticed the sudden change on his expression before I heard his frantic order...

"Yue! take cover!" he said  instinctively  pulling me out of the car while frantically retrieving his guns from the glove compartment as two black vans passed us by with it's armed passengers showering bullets at us.

I complied at once, as I quickly got out of the car ... but the rain of gun fire was too much... I felt a number of bullets grazing my shoulders and arms and some embedding itself on my body as Dylan pulled me up... so we could hide behind the car.

Dylan retaliated focusing his gun on one of the moving vans as he shot it on its hind wheels causing it to flip over several times...

Our men who were exchanging fire with the enemy advanced towards the  wrecked vehicle..their weapons raised in defense... as they watched the car's passenger crawl their way out as Xize and ZhiTing shot them dead one by one... leaving one of them alive to torture all informations  out of him... all the while Dylan stood beside me... hands tightly gripping his gun. Fury evident on his face.

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