Conclusions and Continuations

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The air was knocked out of my lungs as I stood there stunned when Cheng Xiao suddenly pulled the trigger of Song WeiLong's pistol


on instinct I aimed my rifle to shoot her but much to my surprise... Cheng Xiao fell on the ground dead... a bullet to her heart ending her miserable life... and standing behind Yue is YiRen with Zhou Ye's gun in her trembling hands...

"You bitch... blaming other people for your mistakes... my brother is dead because of you... you deserve to die..." YiRen's soft voice laced with venom and contained fury as she pulled the trigger again and again until there was no more...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the gun echoed in the warehouse... as all of us stood motionless... watching Song YiRen avenge his brother's death... Angry tears flowing down her expressionless face.

"She's dead YiRen!" my attention was caught by Yue's calm voice... as she approached the other woman... giving her a conforting squeeze on the shoulder...

"ZhiTing... XiZe... bring WeiLong's body... Zi Jie... Zhou Ye... assist YiRen... let us all get out of here..." I  commanded relief flooding my face as I stared at Yue's exhausted form facing me.

I held out my hand towards hers... as she reached out to hold mine...

" It's all over now Dragon Head... let's finish this mission and go home... " Her soothing voice a cool balm on my troubled heart as she guided me out of this hell hole...

The minute we were out of the facility, I gave out my orders...

"Burn Heise Dushe to the ground... No one must survive... Kill them all!" I said my voice quiet yet lethal...

"Copy that... Dragon Head" I heard Kuan answered in acknowledgement... not a minute longer... explosions engulfed the whole Heise Dushe facility behind us... signalling the simultaneous bombing of all Heise Dushe headquarters in the country. No survivors... All must be killed...

"Boss... all targets are obliterated..." We heard ZiWei reported through our in-ear...

"Good Job... we're going home...." I said crushing Yue by my side as we retreated... exhausted yet victorious.


Song YiRen

I am at the infirmary of the Quan Yue injuries being tended upon by Yang Zi...

"Where is my brother??? Where is WeiLong???" I asked her making her focus her attention on me.

"He's in the morgue..." She answered curtly as she stitched up the wound on my eyebrow.

The sadness in my heart intensifies... I am all alone now... the only family I have ever known is gone... forever...

"The Wang's... where are they?"

"They are in a meeting with the clan elders. I'm sure they'll be checking up on you when they are through..." my healer answered... her expression never changing.

Yang Zi was already finishing up bandaging the last of my wounds when Yue entered the room followed by Dylan Wang... as my healer left me in their presence.

"YiRen..." Dylan greeted as he stood behind his wife who was now standing a few paces infront of me.

"Dragon Head... thank you for bringing my brother's body with us... at least I could give him a proper burial." I said bowing my head as a gesture of appreciation... and respect...

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