Prologue - The Gods

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Once upon a time, 6 celestial beings known as the gods of the constellations are exiled to earth and stripped off from their powers as punishment for their sins. They are told to seek help from a human girl who is the reincarnation of the Goddess of Fate, Clotho. In order to be forgiven by the King of Heaven and to return back to heaven, they are needed to find the former goddess and ask her to erase their mark of sins. But unfortunately, it is not as easy as they think it is.

"Are you sure this is her?"

"I'm pretty sure this is her."

"She looks rather shy and timid. Don't you think?"

"Small and cute too. Why don't we talk to her?"

"Why don't just grab her and be done with it?"

"No, Scropio. Humans are fragile beings and they are scared easily."

"Why don't we introduce ourselves?"

"Wait. That guy is trying to approach her."

"Where? Where?"

There is a man in his 20's approaching the human girl they are spying on.

"Hey baby girl, want me to give you a ride home?" the perverted looking man offers her but she ignores him continue walking a little tad faster than before.

The man step off his vehicle and chase the human girl.

"Hey come on now. Don't ignore me." he grab the arm of that girl then to the God's surprise she kick her right where it hurts.

She panic as if she didn't mean to do that. "S-Sorry! Did it hurt? It's just a reflex because you're being a creep!"

With that, she ran for her life leaving the guy in utter pain kneeling on the pavement on the sides of the street.

The intellectual god begins to clear his throat. "Shy and timid, huh?"

"She kick the hell out of that guy's nut. I'm starting to like her already." even the arrogant god is impressed by the human girl's action.

The princely looking god starts to imagine if he's in the same situation as that guy earlier "Ugh...that's gotta hurt. I don't know if I want to talk to her now. Not without my power, that is." 

One of the god became impatient and storms away from his spot of hiding. "Ugh...Why are we hiding anyway?! Let's just get the human girl now. I don't want to stay longer on this filthy planet."

Sakura Chou

I suddenly feel bad for that guy but it's what mom told me to do if some perverted guy approach me. That guy is perverted alright. I don't even know him. Most importantly, that guy is far out of sight and I should not be worried. I can go back home safely now. As I continue walking on the side path at night, 6 good-looking men appear before me out of no where as if they just fall from the night sky.

More creeps?!

However, they have a different aura from a creep or a pervert. Their presence are quite strong, it is almost like they don't belong here. Of course it's just an intuition and an influence from fantasy novels I've read before.

"Come with us, human girl" the man with the neck-length auburn hair speak to me in a demanding tone as though it's an order from him.

The lock of hair on the left side of his face is longer than his right side and the attire they are wearing just stand out too much. From what I've seen, their attire is exactly like what idols where on the stage. Now that I think about it, are they idols? Stage play cast? But why are they here and asking me to come with them?

"No. Why should I? In fact, who are you guys?" I look at every each of their faces and expressions. Some of them smile innocently, some smile seductively, others looking quite angry and even putting on a serious face.

"Your brave attitude impress me. I can't wait to toy with you when we get back to the mansion." the auburn hair man approach closer and closer to me smiling seductively at me.

Another guy steps closer as well, it's the man with the blonde hair and with charming princely looking face. "Just don't kick us at where it would hurt so much."

"Oh you were spying on me just now too?!" I gasp in utterly shock that they've seen what happened showing that they are following me.

They don't spy with just one and two people but they bring the whole group. What is exactly going on? Did I do something? 

"Don't get us wrong. We're in need of your help." the man with the short brown hair and the innocent nice smile answers me.

But I don't know what help are they talking about.

"Let us bring you to our mansion so we can explain it with a cup of coffee or tea. Which do you prefer?" this time it's the man with a dark blue hair speaks to me.

"I'm not going with you." I stated and ready to walk off on them.

The man with neck-length grey hair half tied-up offers his hand to me. "We're not going to do anything to you. Promise." 

His face is not convincing enough because just after he says 'Promise', he sticks out his tongue like he's not serious to his words.

"Ichthys, if you're going to say something serious, use a serious expression too or else no one will believe you." the man with the innocent smile scolds him.

Exactly my point! And his name is Ichthys? Strange name. Maybe a foreigner? I wonder what is the name of the others.

While all the men are flocking around me, there is another man who keeps quiet from the first he came here and he's standing far behind. He has jet black hair with bangs that covered his right eye. He's finally looking this way! Yikes! He's kind of scary and he's approaching me with that piercing glare of death.

"Move over losers! I'm bringing this human girl back to the mansion. Your talks are wasting my time." he says in a harsh bad-tempered manner shoving the other men aside.

His piercing gaze is intimidating making me feel like I'm far below him and that I'm not in the same status as him. He then drag me by the arm and his grip is really strong, I flinch at the pain.

"Let go!" I yell as I am being dragged.

"I can't believe I have to touch a human girl. Filthy!" he complains while his grip is getting stronger than before.

"Ouch! It hurts and why are you saying as if you're not human?" I say as I struggle freeing myself from his strong grip.

He stops. "Disgusting! Don't group me with your kind. I'm a god of the Scorpio constellation and not any near as a human being." 

A god? He looks mad too. But this is preposterous! A god? I don't believe him.

I laugh. "Are you guys serious? Gods? I don't believe you."

"Bold of you to think we're joking." the auburn hair man speaks to me in a serious tone of voice and there are no slight hint of joke on all their expression.

Yikes. Doesn't look like they are joking but that's impossible, right? They did call me 'Human' girl though.

"We'll talk at the mansion. Let me, Scorpio." the man with dark blue hair take me away from Scorpio.

To be continued
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