Chapter 1- Goddess of Fate

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I least expected that we're going to fly off from the ground. This is the most realistic dream I ever felt. They are flying like flock of birds in the night sky because we all are going on the same direction. I'm starting to believe they might be gods. The man, I mean the god with the dark blue hair wrap his right hand on my waist carrying me just with one hand. I'm not usually frightened of heights but this is really far from that scenario and it doesn't count as scared of heights. I grab a hold of his clothes probably making it wrinkle. I might be grabbing it too hard so I let go.

"No. Wrinkle my uniform as much as you want." he places my hand back on his chest.

"Close your eyes if you're scared." he continues.

I close my eyes frightened, lean on his chest where I smell a nice scent from him since we're extremely close, there is no gap between us. I inhale deeply his smell and release everything followed by a feeling of relief. He notice and glance at me briefly but he doesn't mind.

We land on the porch of the mansion and it's completely in its ruin. Plants and vines growing on the walls of the exterior showing that it's abandon. Despite the destroyed and dim exterior, the interior of the mansion is brightly lit with interesting patterns and design on the walls and floor. The furniture seemed classic and rare. There are expensive looking statues everywhere and so many hallways. If I were to walk here alone, I bet I'll get lost in no time.

"Wow. Why is the outside looks abandoned though?" I ask the man who I just flew with.

"I guess we succeeded making the mansion looks inhabitable if you think so." he answers with a slight arrogant smile.

I see. They intentionally make the exterior frightening straight out of a horror movie I've watched with mom.

After taking a small tour of the entrance hall of the mansion, we proceed to the living room of the mansion to discuss why I am brought here. They introduce themselves to me.

"I don't know if a proper introduction is necessary. Anyway I'm Leon the god of Leo constellation and the Minister of the Department of Wishes." the god with the auburn hair introduce arrogantly.

"I'm Huedhaut, god of Aquarius constellation and the member of Department of Wishes. Perhaps one of the most intellectual god in the heavens and I'm also knowledgeable about humans." the dark blue hair god introduce himself and I instantly remember about how I took a good smell out of him. I'm suddenly embarrassed.

Next is the princely looking god approaches and kiss the back of my right hand. I blush a little. "I am Teorus, god of Taurus constellation and also the member of Department of Wishes. Nice to meet you!"

"Step aside, it's my turn. I'm Ichthys, god of Pisces constellation and member of Department of Punishment. As long as you're with me, we'll have so much fun." the god with the grey hair grinning from ear to ear as he introduce himself.

"I'm Dui, god of Gemini constellation and the member of Department of Punishment. And this is our Vice Minister of Department of Punishment, Scorpio. We'd like to know your name too." the god with the brown short hair introduce politely and introduce for that harsh intimidating god sitting alone on the couch.

I doubt he wants to introduce himself to a mere human.

"I am Sakura Chou and I'm just a high school student. Nothing particularly special."I introduce myself as well.

After my introduction, there is a few seconds of silence until Dui start speaking. "Actually you're far more special than any human being on earth. You're the reincarnation of the goddess of fate and that's why we come and get you. You may not remember anything but her soul is passed on to you after her death. We need your help to erase our sins so we can go back to heaven."

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