Chapter 3- What is love?

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At the end of my last class, my English teacher ask me to help clean the rooftop because everyone had forgotten to clean it several weeks. It's been so long since I last went there too. I only go up there when I need some peace and quiet to write my stories and articles. But at the moment, I'm still filled with inspiration and motivation to write so I don't have to go there.

It's cleaning time. Everyone scatter themselves for their cleaning task given by the homeroom teacher. I should be cleaning the library this week helping out the librarian with arranging the books as well but for today I have to go to the roof. I bet plenty of students will volunteer arranging the books in my absent.

My English teacher says that she'll be helping out with the cleaning on the roof top but she needs to finish several small task before she could go.

With two brooms in hand, I carry them both to the rooftop. I drop the brooms in surprise when I see a familiar man on the roof sitting on the floor, taking a nap.

"Scorpio?!" I accidentally said outloud.

He's awake by my loud voice and turn to my direction.

"You're so loud for a small sized human being. Can't you see I'm taking a nap here, stupid woman?!" he says with a grumpy face and starts to stand up.

"Rude. I'm actually in woman average height." I mutter quietly.

"Why are you here anyway?" he ask.

"It's cleaning time. I'm here to clean of course. Why are you here?" I pick up the brooms that I just dropped on the floor.

He sighs. "I'm not here for Leon's stupid game. I'm just here cuz I'm bored."

He exits through the rooftop door after he answers my question. Doesn't seem like he wants to be friendly any time soon and he's probably thinking that speaking to a mere human is wasting his time. He's bored but yet he's napping. He's pretty complicated.

Not long after he left, my English teacher arrives. "Sakura? Let's start with the cleaning."

Together my teacher and I start sweeping the slightly dusty rooftop and throw whatever rubbish on the floor in the dust bin.


I'm finally settled down at one of the desk in the library with three thick romance novel I pick at the novel section of the shelf. I'm planning to borrow the other two while I read this one at school if I manage to finish reading.

When I start concentrating on reading, I catch a glimpse of someone sitting next to me.

I continue to ignore until that person takes one of my romance novel.

"Excuse me?" I say and it's Huedhaut who sits next to me.

"What are you reading? Romance... romance... romance. Are you seriously into love stories?" he ask while lifting up each thick novels scanning the cover.

I blush at his question. "No!"

"Then, why are you reading these?" he threw the book gently back to where he took it.

I advert my eyes thinking of an appropriate answer and so he don't make fun of me but I end up telling him honestly. "It's a research on love. I want to try writing romance genre stories so I can gain confidence in woman." I explain briefly.

"You think research and reading on love will help you understand love? How naive." he questions emphasizing the word 'research' and 'reading' and chuckles in the end.

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