Chapter 2- What is going on?

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The next day, I'm looking forward to talk to mom but she leave for work early today. She's not in a good mood today as well and I want to know why but she's not at her usual spot at the dining table this morning. She did cook breakfast and serve it on the table. I was planning to cook my own lunch but then she cooked and packed my lunch for me. After having breakfast alone, I grab my lunch on the way out.

As usual I walk to school since it's not really that far and am excited how my readers will react to my story today. Wednesday is the day that I'm always looking forward to school. I worked my ass up last night since I went home late.

Now that I mention it,  is yesterday real? Today feels like an ordinary day. I think it's a dream. Although I'm unsure of what happened yesterday, I try my best to forget about it. Someone in their right mind would think it as a dream as well. My pinch was hurt neither proving it was real or not.

As soon as I reach school, I sneak into the class used by the School Magazine club. Hand in my stories and articles to the President of the School Magazine Club. I'm not the member of the magazine club for reasons. One of the reason being afraid that my work to be judged and criticized by my readers directly.

The only person who knows the real author behind those emotionally relatable stories is the School Magazine club President, Asuka. She offers me to publish my stories throughout the school anonymously. She's a kind person and an only friend.

My dream is to be an inspirational author specifically once that touch others emotionally. When I knew most women had hard times in their love life, I'm thinking I could be a romance novelist as well boosting the confidence in women. But I don't know anything about love.

Knowing that I have no experience in love and whatsoever, I started to join the Library club and read romance novels. Still I lack the emotion it's trying to convey and instead feel a bit cringy and disgust in some overly romantic scenes in the novels I read.

In class, I sit down at my desk near to the window and stare at the cherry blossom trees outside. I have no friends in class and I don't plan to stand out.

I moved out from school to school and making new friends all over again can be such pain in the ass. I'm normally quiet at school so I don't mind. Atleast, I have one friend and that's more than enough. It's my last year of high school too so I don't mind being lonely for one more year.

Out of nowhere, I still can remember the scent of the god named Huedhaut. It's just a fantasy dream.

I slap myself on both cheeks. "Pull yourself together!"

Then suddenly, I hear a female student saying "Look! Look!" so loud the entire class turns their attention to her.

"What is it?"

"Don't you remember? It's Wednesday today."

"Right! Give me that magazine!"

"But you can't bring it home. This is mine. Take yours in front of the School Magazine Club room."

They turn to several pages and finally find the page that they've been looking for. "There it is! The Anonymous Author!"

After they read the entire story, some of them begin to cry.

"I'm never going to ask money from my parents so often anymore."

"I'm going to appreciate them more and spend more time with them on their free times."

"I bet my parents had hard times when I ask them to buy the things I wanted. What was I thinking?"

The story I submitted last week got published today and so as the story I submitted today, it will be published next week. Today's story especially dedicated to my parents. I didn't appreciate my dad when he was alive and got mad at him too the day he died. I'm a horrible daughter. I don't want other people doing the same mistake as I did.

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