Chapter two

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I knew I had to do something or go somewhere, to take my mind off of things. And, I couldn't stay cooped up in here, its not like I'd be able to sleep much tonight anyways. Either way teachers would end up having to wake me up every five minutes. Sleepless nights like these became more common than I would've imagined, even 3 hours seems like a lot compared to most days. Its not that I was afraid to sleep, in fact I welcomed it considering I never got any, I just found that my mind drifts a lot especially when I'm lying in bed, left alone with my thoughts.

Seeing as there wasn't much of interest in my room except my ukulele and laptop, I decided to go out, despite it being the middle of the night. I'd do this most nights and thankfully have never been caught, ... yet. (whoops) I carefully walked over to my door, internally cringing as it creaked when I opened it an inch, just big enough for my small frame to squeeze through onto the landing, before making my way down the stairs, managing to avoid most of the stairs that would make the most sound. Every time I did accidentally make a sound I'd freeze in place listening out for whether or not anyone had been woken up. Thankfully I survived until the bottom of the stairs, where I pulled on a pair of shoes, squinting at my coat before deciding I won't need it, I did't mind the cold much.

The door softly clicked in place behind me, and I was hit by a strong gust of wind, rippling through my shirt, and placing soft bites all over my skin. Stumbling down the pitch black drive way, I instinctively turned right and headed towards the park situated not far from my house.

The streets were completely empty, devoid of any humans, and not a single street lamp was lit. It might have even passed as a zombie apocalypse movie, with the silence that echoed emptiness back at me. Houses loomed high in the dark, their silouhettes blending in with the night sky, and roads stretched far out into nothingness as I walked dow, turning a corner straight through a gate into the park.

Inside, various climbing frames, swings and slides were deserted and a slightly strange feeling washed over me as I stared, before walking through the wood chips to the climbing frame. Hoisting myself up onto the platform, I swivelled around so I was fit snugly in the small square where I had taken refuge. Cold seared through my back which was leant against a wall and my arms hugged my knees as I observed the stars in the sky above me. Finally I let out a sigh I didn't realise I had been holding in and it left my mouth in a puff of hot air, clouds forming in my face and slowly disintegrating as it met the freezing cold air.

I didn't notice it for at least ten minutes after I had first arrived. Ten minutes I had sat there, completely oblivious to the fact there was something there this whole time. It stayed quiet this whole time, up until now, when I heard a small sniffle coming from a similar platform to the one I was sitting on. I the dark the most I could see was a hunched figure huddled near the top of the slide, shivering slightly. Crawling over the strange bridge separating me and this mysterious person, I crouched on the edge of the platform, willing myself to reach a hand out and touch their shoulder letting them know of my presence and that everything was okay. But instead my hand hovered in mid air, as I remembered that I was a rain cloud, unimportant and unloved and quickly retracted my hand back. I contemplated just going back to my platform or even bette going home, but was too late when I saw a face peek out from under the hood watching me intently, despite their tear stained face.

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