Chapter 1

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"With all due respect hon, you've just juggled between classes and the dorm for the past week. I understand you're state of mind, but the different environment will help to recover. C'mon please." Pooja wouldn't let this go. She wanted me to go to a party with her.

It had just been a month since I started college and my grandpa passed away.

I was the closest to Papa.

Not being able to attend his funeral was the most heartbreaking thing and I felt miserable and regretful. Paying attention in class was beyond difficult. 

I had to accept the fact, get over the sorrow and move on. The party couldn't be a bad option. 

Pooja stayed silent while I processed through the pros and cons.

"Fine." She squealed at my reply and I had to hide the smile that made its way on my face.

I continue, “Under one condition”. She gives me a head wobble, the typical Indian that she is, to show her agreement even before hearing out my condition.

“Don’t leave me stranded. You’ll be the only one I’ll know there.” I tell her anyway. 

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