Chapter 2

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With Pooja’s unstoppable complaining about my dressing sense throughout the drive we eventually reach the party.

I can’t help it. I prefer underdressing.

My favourite 1969 curvy black jeans and a striped white top isn’t that bad actually, but bad enough for me to already feel out of place amoung the thigh length dresses I’m surrounded by.

I notice the house in the backdrop. It’s humongous. That’s when I realize I don’t even know the host. Seems like a usual weekend party at a partier’s, I think to myself.

“Nevermind that”, I say out loud.

By the time I quit mind wandering, Pooja is not to be seen. I’m in panic mode. Not that I’ve not attended parties, but never in a strangers house with sweaty drunk teenagers grinding and groping each other.

I call her numerous times. Her mobile would be shooshed by the roar of music, obviously. What was I thinking? Giving up the search for Pooja I reluctantly walk through the hopeless mess as to find a corner for me to stagnate.  Alas, every corner in the house is occupied already for sexual performances. Should’av known better.

I walk out through a door not knowing my bearings and the humid breeze hits me. Wow. Feeling relieved about my environment now I walk along the beach trying to pull the earphones out of my pocket to drain out the faint noise of the party I still hear.

“Hey, hey wait up!” I hear a guy shout.    

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