Chapter 9- Moving in

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I was anxious bout my decision. Although to my mum this was a wise, by far the best decision I’ve made in my life as I would be under the supervision of a parent/ “my guardian”. Ma thought I’d turn into this Mafia gang leader just cz I moved to a new country. Facepalm.

Moving in with Mrs. B wouldn’t mean absolute freedom as per Poo’s information but it sure as hell would be better than college, so that’s a relief. Anyhow, my anxiety was not actually about Mrs. B’s parental instincts bestowed on me; Her house. Her rules. Totally understandable. It wasn’t like I “have a life” anyway, according to Poo nevertheless I enjoyed whatever little I did with mine.

I was honestly more anxious bout the other individual who’d already being living at Poo’s for two weeks ish, which obviously meant she was accustomed to the way of life there, and an intruder wouldn’t be much appreciated under normal circumstance.

Altaria De Livera aka Alty. I was told that her parents were in Goa too but they wanted Alty to live independently so here she was. Poo’s paying guest.  

Around 5’5, athletic, cheerful, talkative and best of all- half Sri Lankan, just like myself. The instant she told me that I decided that I like her, not many “homies” do you get out here, and by her reactions I presume it was a mutual feeling. Yay for me. First impression I had of her was I’d make her my elder sister- she helped me unpack, arrange more of my stuff than I did and she also made me coffee, I mean what are you? Social Service person ?


Poo, Alty and I had become tight. We spoke for hours at night, be it weekends or college nights.

Poo would ramble about some guy called Mido (uncommon name I thought, raising suspicion in me), while Alty bout some Bastian who she’d been crushing on for the past year, which technically was from the time she migrated to India from Sri Lanka. I just contributed bits about a friend I made here named Sid.

I had no idea who Mido and Bastian were so I would just nod in agreement with both of them. I mean they sure did not think of me as a psychic to know who these people were right ? Hello, I’ve not met them. Yet. 

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