School Swap Day

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Thanks to Sofia, Vivian and Clio chose to attend the Performing Arts Academy after graduating from Royal Prep.

It was a beautiful day, and something exciting was going to happen at the Corinthian Sports School. Sir Bentley stood before the class and announced, "Good morning, class. It's School Swap Day, where a student from Corinthian Sports and another from the Performing Arts Academy swap places for the day. We're doing this, so they'd see what they do at each other's schools. Please welcome our swap student, Princess Clio."

Clio entered the classroom, excited to be here.

"Welcome, Princess Clio," the students announced.

"Thank you," Clio curtseyed.

"Who would like to be Clio's guide for the day?" Sir Bentley asked.

Sofia raised her hand and said, "I would—I used to go to Royal Prep with Clio."

"Okay," Clio smiled.

"That's wonderful, and we'll be going to Performing Arts for lunch," Sir Bentley smiled. "Then later, the Performing Arts Academy students will come here for a royal ball, where the swappies will give a demonstration of what they'd learned at each other's schools."

The bell rang, and it was time for the next class.

"Sofia, this is amazing—I can't believe Corinthian Sports is doing a School Swap Day with Performing Arts," Clio beamed.

"Me neither," Sofia said. "This is perfect. I wonder what Hildegard would say about this."

"I wouldn't care—it feels good to step out of my shell," Clio smiled. "What sports do you play here?"

"Hugo and I participate in floor hockey, enchanted lacrosse, Dazzleball—and on Fridays, we have sports medicine class," Sofia explained.

"What's sports medicine?" Clio asked.

"In this class, we learn how to treat sports-related injuries," Sofia explained. "Well, it's time for enchanted lacrosse."

"Awesome," Clio beamed. "By the way, who do you think went to the Performing Arts Academy today?"

"Probably Hugo—I haven't seen him all day," Sofia surmised. "He's usually never late for school, let alone absent."

At the Performing Arts Academy, the teacher, Sergio Adagio, was about to announce the good news. "Good news, my darlings: it's School Swap Day," he announced. "Let's welcome our visitor from the Corinthian Sports School, Prince Hugo."

Hugo entered the classroom.

"Welcome, Prince Hugo," the students smiled.

"Who would like to be Hugo's guide for the day?" Sergio asked.

"I will," Princess Vivian raised her hand.

"Thanks, Vivian," Hugo smiled.

"Prince Hugo, do you play an instrument?" Sergio asked.

"A lot of them: flute, guitar, violin, balalaika—please pardon my boastfulness," Hugo chuckled.

"What is this balalaika?" Sergio asked.

"A traditional musical instrument from my home kingdom—you play it like a guitar," Hugo replied.

"Well, let's see what music you can play," Sergio smiled. He picked up a violin and handed it to Hugo.

Hugo started to play Swan Lake beautifully on the violin, and the whole class was amazed. Once he finished, everyone was clapping, some students shedding tears.

"That was beautiful, Prince Hugo," Sergio gaped. "Perhaps you should consider coming to Performing Arts full time."

"Well, I don't know about that," Hugo chuckled.

"Don't be so modest, Hugo—you're great at this," Vivian declared. "You did a great job playing the prince in Cinderella and the Beauty Within, and you're great on the violin. You really should think about coming to Performing Arts as a student."

All the other students agreed, thinking Hugo should come to Performing Arts. But Hugo wasn't so sure if he wanted to do this—he wondered how this would affect Sofia.

"Well, maybe I should think about it," Hugo shrugged.

"Sure," Vivian smiled.

Hugo sat down, shaken about this decision. "Coming to the Performing Arts Academy all the time would be great, but I'll miss seeing my friends at Corinthian Sports, especially Sofia," he told himself. "I hope the Performing Arts student visiting Corinthian Sports is having more fun than I am."

At Corinthian Sports, Clio and Sofia were having fun. Clio learned how to play enchanted lacrosse, ride a flying horse, and shoot an arrow.

"This is lots of fun," Sofia beamed.

"It sure is," Clio smiled. "I can't believe I didn't think about taking up sports in Royal Prep, even after I stepped out of Hildegard's shadow."

"Ready to go to Performing Arts for lunch?" Sofia asked.

"Ready," Clio smiled.

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