What Can I Do?

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The students of the Corinthian Sports School went to the Performing Arts Academy for lunch. Sofia and Clio met up with Vivian and Hugo.

"Hi, Sofia," Vivian waved. "How's School Swap Day, Clio?"

"It's awesome," Clio beamed. "I learned out to play enchanted lacrosse, ride a flying horse, and shoot an arrow. I can't believe I didn't like sports before."

"Awesome," Vivian remarked.

"What did you learn at Performing Arts, Hugo?" Sofia asked.

"I played violin, did an acting exercise, and sang a few songs," Hugo replied.

But Sofia could tell that something was bothering her boyfriend. "Clio, Vivian, if you don't mind, I think I need a word alone with Hugo," she said.

"Of course, we don't mind," Vivian smiled.

Hugo got up and went with Sofia. "What's up, Sofie?" he asked.

"Hugo, are you okay?" Sofia asked in concern. "You don't look very happy."

"Well, all of Vivian's classmates and teachers are telling me that I should consider transferring to the Performing Arts Academy, but I don't think it's a good idea," Hugo admitted.

"What gave them that idea?" Sofia asked.

"The fact that I played Swan Lake flawlessly and how good I am with acting, singing, and dancing," Hugo replied.

"Well, what do you think?" Sofia asked.

"I don't know," Hugo frowned. "If I go to Performing Arts full time, I'll miss our friends at Corinthian Sports—and who knows how this will affect our relationship? We've already broken up twice before, and all because of something that was standing in our way."

"Good point, but it's all up to you, Hugo," Sofia said. "I'm going to let you make the choice, but I won't lie—I'll really miss you." Then she went off.

"Maybe leaving Corinthian Sports to go here is a big mistake," Hugo sighed. He didn't have the appetite to eat, so he just left. He went into the music room and picked up a violin, and then he started to sing as he played Swan Lake (a brand-new number I'd like to call "Hugo's Ballad").

How I would miss my school

To leave my friends would really break my heart

Just how will this affect my relationship with Sofia?

I sure don't want to part

But I love to play music and sing along

To my favorite songs

I know I can't go wrong

But at the same time, to leave my friends behind

Wouldn't be so fine

Friends are to find

They're all one of a kind

You see, I don't know what I should do

It's hard to know what choices I should make

I love to play music and dance

But coming here would be a big mistake

After lunch, Clio and the students of Corinthian Sports were about to go back when Vivian asked, "Clio, Sofia, have you seen Hugo?"

"Not since the beginning of lunch," Sofia replied. "Maybe he went to play a little music."

"He must really love Performing Arts," Clio smiled.

"I guess," Sofia shrugged.

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