Chapter Fourteen

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Queen Whatevra sat in the meeting room anxiously, thinking out a plan on how to stop the beast once and for all. "You should take a break my Queen, you've been at this all day" Ice Cream Cone said concerned as she brushed him off. "I dont have time to rest, the universe depends on me...I just hope my friends are okay" she mumbled the last bit to herself sadly.


"This is NOT okay!" Emmet yelled out nervously as he clung against the ledge of the building, not wanting to let go. "Come on Emmet, we all need to get across!" Lucy whined. "Who's plan was it to zip line across the window-OVER 400 METERS OFF OF THE GROUND!" Emmet cried out terrified. "It will take less than a second, we really need to contact the Queen!" Jenny said as Emmet shook his head terrified. "Hey, if Emmet doesn't want to go I can take his place.." "NO!" Everyone screamed as Rex paused. "What they mean is, Emmet is the special, plus he did create Queen Whatevra and is basically the reason why everyone left in the first place so, he kinda has to go" Mayhem patted Rex's back as he smiled shyly.

"Yea, exactly" Benny said as he scooted between them as he stuck his tongue out, annoying Rex. "Come on can do it!" Lucy encouraged him, "Yea...your right, ill do it!" Emmet smiled as they all cheered. "Good call-cause if you didn't agree i would have just pushed you off anyways" Batman said, "...hUH-" Emmet yelped before Batman pushed him off. Emmet shut his eyes tightly as he screamed, zip lining across one building to the other. Emmet peeked his eyes open, realizing he was zip lining directly into a window, that wasn't open...

"Hes going to make it through the window...right?" Lucy turned to Batman, "The window is open so Emmet will push right through it.." Batman shrugged as everyone watched nervously. "GUYS- THE WINDOWS NOT OPEN!" they heard Emmet scream, he then braced for impact as he got closer. Soon he crashed into the window, breaking through it. Everyone gasped as they stared over the ledge. "...My bad, i thought the window was open.." Batman said as he began laughing.

"Owwww" Emmet muttered as he layed on the floor in pain. "Emmet, oh my gosh are you okay?!" Lucy asked as she zipped in minutes after him. "I'm FiNe" Emmet said as he made his voice deeper. He then turned to the side, mouthing to himself in pain. "Alright, so the broadcasting room should be this way" Batman said as they turned to be greeted by security as well as Martha, the secretary... "Hey what am i missing-oh hello again!" Lenny said happily as Kenny and Jenny also entered. "Oh not you guys again.." Martha said annoyed.

"Whats going on down there?" Rex asked Mayhem confused as they looked from the balcony of the other building. "I think-" "that's none of your business, its for important members only" Benny hissed. "Well maybe i want to be an important member" Rex fought back, "Can you guys stop arguing?" Mayhem tried to interject. "Well, no one likes a villain on their team.." "Yea well President Business was a villain whats so different with me?!" Rex said more angry. Benny paused awkwardly, taking that in. "Mayhem you should go in there and help!" Unikitty pulled her to the side panicking. "What am i supposed to do?!" Mayhem tilted her head confused, "I dont know, tell them your a princess!" "Why dont you?!" Mayhem snapped back.

Rex stared at them confused until he felt a pair of eyes burning on him, he turned around to see an annoyed Benny. "You know she would never date you right?" he crossed his arms. "And why is that?" Rex said annoyed, "Simple, shes not into bad boys.." "yea well opposites attract, and why dont you let her decide for herself" Rex smirked as Benny groaned. "Fine-ill go!" Mayhem said as she turned on her jet pack. "Wait, let me join you-" "-Eh its best to leave it to the ones with Jet packs" Benny shoved Rex away as he zipped up joining Mayhem. "We'll be back soon" Mayhem frowned a bit at Rex as they headed down.

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