Marth is Confused

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Ten Random Characters

Chapter 3

"Next!" Peach cried. "Okay, Palutena, Marth tries to jump you in a dark alleyway. Who would come to your rescue, Roy, Ike, or Toon?"

Palutena laughed. "Why would Marth kill me? We're friends!"

Marth looked at her with a devious smirk on his lips. "Well, perhaps if you were assisting Peach and Robin with their writing-"

Everyone looked at him oddly. "But we haven't written anything about you yet," Robin commented, eyebrows raised.

After an awkward moment in which Marth attempted to hide the crimson flush of his cheeks, Palutena suddenly cackled loudly. "Oh, so you're jealous that Roy's getting all of Ike's attention in them, are you?"

The two blue-haired swordsmen in the room blushed as they began to profusely deny her statement. "No! Why would I- just, why?" Marth choked out with a bit of difficulty.

"Why am I the first guy that it always occurs to you guys to ship with other guys?" Ike questioned, glaring at Palutena. "I mean, does anyone actually think Marth and I would make a good couple?"

"Dude, everyone ships you with Marth," Red stated dryly.

"Really?" Marth asked, the embarrassment replaced with doubt.

"Yeah, everyone," Lucas added as he clacked away on his phone, seemingly texting someone. "Even Samus, and she hates pretty much everyone."

"Then why do Peach and Robin not?" Marth countered.

"We do, we just wanted to do something original," Robin clarified.

"That's not the first word I would use to describe those," Roy muttered under his breath.

Robin smirked darkly. "We still prefer RoyxIke, though," she chuckled at Roy.

"Even Lucina ships you guys," Peach quipped. "Even though if you two got together she would cease to exist."

"What?" Marth asked, as if the comment hadn't made any sense to him.

"Nah, I guess it wouldn't erase her, would it?" Lucas replied. "I mean, if either of you were the real deal, it might, but-"

"Wait, what do you mean 'the real deal'?" Marth questioned, his voice raising an octave in pitch. "A-are you suggesting-? Do you mean-? What?"

"Back to the question!" Peach roared. Everyone jumped, startled by her outburst.

"Okay, so who was it, Roy, Ike, or Toon?" Palutena resumed. "Well, Roy probably wouldn't side with me over Marth, and Ike would never betray his precious-" She was interrupted by a hiss from the blue-haired mercenary. "So, that leaves me with Toon," Palutena finished. "I don't think he could beat Marth, though."

"You're probably right..." Toon Link muttered, frowning slightly.

"Next!" Peach exclaimed once more. "So, Palutena decides to start a cooking show. So, after fifteen minutes, what happened?"

"Well, funny you should ask!" Pit chirped brightly. "Palutena tried to cook once back in Skyworld, and-"

"The carrots came to life and I declared war on them!" Palutena finished. "So, something similar would probably happen here."

"I'd like to see that," Lucas laughed softly, still texting.

Peach suddenly laughed loudly. "Oh, this next one's great!" she beamed. "Pit, you have to marry Red, Marth, or Toon Link. Who would you pick?"

Pit flushed crimson. "B-but they're all guys..." he protested.

"Doesn't matter. Pick one."

"I guess since I know Red the best out of all of them, him?" Pit answered, accompanied by an awkward chuckle.

Red suddenly threw a pillow at Pit. "Absolutely not!" he snarled. "I refuse to be pulled into your shipping!"

"No objections!" Peach screeched throwing another pillow at Red.

The pillow narrowly missed Red's head, and made a thud on the wall that sounded far too forceful for such a light object to make. "Okay..." Red squealed in high-pitched terror.

Lucas began to laugh, and Red picked up the pillow and prepared to slap Lucas with it. "I was laughing at something Ness texted me," he quickly clarified, recoiling from the look of pure rage Red was giving him.

"Ooh, what'd it say?" Robin asked eagerly, getting up to look over Lucas's shoulder.

"I was telling him about this game, and he said he had a few ideas for it," Lucas reported.

That statement instigated more fear in the smashers than any of Peach's threats had.

AN- And thus begins the non-Peach and Robin shipping! So, thanks for reading! -Twilight Joltik

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