Roy Breaks the Fourth Wall

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Ten Random Characters

Chapter 6

After Pit had finally quieted (he had started to sing the second verse, but Marth silenced him by calling Lucina in to smack him with another throw pillow), Peach read the next question with a grin. "Toon arrives late for Roy and Ike's wedding. What happens and why were they late?"

Toon Link sat silent for a moment before snickering. "Well, I managed to get a sample of the love potion you and Robin had been drugging them with, and I gave it to Zelda to analyze and make a cure for. Since she's good with magic and stuff, she probably succeeded, and then I gave Roy and Ike the cure and they snapped out of it and locked you in a closet."

Marth chuckled as he continued Toon's story. "And then Ike kissed me and everyone lived happily ever after or something, right Palutena?" he delivered in a deadpan.

"So you do like him!" Palutena exclaimed gleefully, punching the air in victory.

"It was a joke," Marth sighed. "You do realize I have a girlfriend, don't you?"

Palutena sputtered in speechlessness, and Peach read the next question. "Toon murders Roy's best friend, who has to be someone in this room. What does Roy do to get back at him?"

"Well, it'd probably be Marth, so I'd probably turn into a dragon and freeze him into a solid block of ice, and then stuff him in a freezer for the rest of eternity," Roy stated casually.

"Wait, how can you turn into a dragon?" Pit questioned.

Roy sighed. "I told you, I'm one-fourth Manakete! Really, I just said that in the last chapter, how can you have forgotten already?"

Suddenly, a large, crooked, smile-shaped crack appeared in one of the walls of the room, and a few Smashers cried out in terror. "Mind the fourth wall!" Peach screeched.

"I'm sorry!" Roy squeaked. "Quick, someone do something before something bad happens!"

After a moment of strained silence, Robin suddenly cried out "I know! Shulk can help! Lucas, go get Shulk."

"How can Shulk help?" Pit asked.

"Okay, who in here watches Doctor Who?" the Tactician questioned. Palutena, Lucas, and herself raised their hands. "Then you understand the gravity of this situation. Lucas, where would Shulk be?"

Lucas stood up and began out down the hall, but quickly turned back. "Wait, what does Shulk have to do with Doctor Who?"

"Just tell me where he is. I'll handle it," Robin asserted.

"Ness's room," Lucas answered. Robin marched down the hall to Ness's room and threw open the door.

Robin scanned the room for the wielder of the Monado, and found the fair-haired swordsman sitting next to Lucina and Dark Pit, a bowl of popcorn in his lap. "Shulk. We require your assistance. Surely you've seen what's going on in the Common Room," she stated plainly, her tone acquiring a formality that no one was quite used to seeing from her.

Shulk jumped, knocking the popcorn down. Mewtwo quickly picked up the spilled snack with his psychic powers. "Er, five second rule?" Shulk muttered with an awkward chuckle. "Sorry, Robin, right? What d'you need?"

"You have certain connections that could potentially save our world," Robin continued.


"You're friends with Clara Oswald, are you not?"

Shulk gave a wry smile. "Careful, the fourth wall might hear you."

Robin sighed in exasperation. "Have you not seen the space-time crack in the wall? I think it already has!"

"Wait, how are you friends with someone in a fictional show about an alien who travels in a phone box?" Lucina asked.

"Well, she just shares an actress with someone in my game, so using the basic principles of inter-dimensional commerce-"

Another large cracking came from the common room, accompanied by a loud shriek that sounded as if it came from Roy. Shulk laughed nervously. "I'll call her up," he assured Robin. "Just try not to make things worse."

Robin snarled as she went back in the common room. "He is not helping!" she cried as she reentered the room. "So, can we keep our spirits up until someone fixes something?"

"Roy, just out of curiosity, how could turning into a dragon help you freeze Toon. Shouldn't you burninate him instead?" Ike asked, making another small cracking noise come out of the terrifying abomination on the wall.

"I'm part ice dragon," Roy sighed. "I need to tell more people that so they won't automatically assume I'm a Pyro whenever I tell them I'm part dragon."

AN- Doctor Who jokes. I've been wanting to use this one ever since I found out Clara's actress was the voice of someone in Xenoblade. I haven't actually played Xenoblade Chronicals, so I hope Shulk is in-character. And just in case you were wondering, Clara's one of the Doctor's companions, and the space-time crack is something from Doctor Who as well. So, thanks for reading! -Twilight Joltik

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