Time with Mates and Surprise

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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Alexandria pov
We were relaxing at mom's house. Mom and I were talking about various things we could do.

After a bit Alice came skipping over.
" Hey mom. Can us kids go shopping? Please." Carlisle and I shared a look.
" Sure. Just make sure you keep in touch." Mom spoke.
" Actually. If you don't mind I'd love to spend time with you all. I'd like to get to know my grandchildren." Alice grinned.
" We'd like that Renée."
" Just call me grandma." Mom stood up.
" I'll get my purse and we'll go. You have fun Lexa." I smiled.
" I will mom. Have fun."

Once they left I went and got changed into a bathing suit.

Esme also changed into a bathing suit

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Esme also changed into a bathing suit.

I went out and found Carlisle sitting in the sand

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I went out and found Carlisle sitting in the sand. I went over and sat down next to him. I lay my head in his lap. He smiled and played with my hair.
" You're beautiful love." I smiled and moved so I could see him. I put a hand on his cheek and stroked it. He kissed my hand and smiled.
"What is it?" He asked me. I sighed.
"Nothing. Just thinking."
" About?" I sighed and closed my eyes.
" My sister." Carlisle froze and stiffened. He brushed some hair from my cheek and my eyes flashed open. He smiled softly and spoke.
" I'm sure everything will be fine." I looked away.
" Bella's tricky. And I'm worried she'll try to do something." Esme by now had sat down. Carlisle smiled softly and brushed his fingers against my arm.
" We won't let anything happen to you." I looked away.
" It's not me I'm worried about." I muttered quietly. Carlisle smiled gently and just combed my hair with his fingers. I knew it was his way of calming me down.

Later we were back in the house just resting. Esme was laying on my lap. I was working on the computer for a bit. Suddenly the front door opened.
" Mom!" Alice came in and skipped over. I sighed and looked at Esme. She shrugged and grinned. I chuckled and answered our excitable daughter.
" Yes sweetie?" Alice sat down.
" We had so much fun. Rose and I got some new outfits for the beach and for dates." I laughed and shook my head.
" Well aren't you spoiled?" I asked teasing my seer daughter. She grinned.
" Yep. I am." Esme snorted and I smiled. Mom sat down and spoke.
" They're all spoiled." I laughed and smiled. Esme chuckled.
" That they are. But the good spoiled." I said with a smile.

That night Carlisle took me and Esme out. I got ready in my room then went down.

Carlisle smiled when he saw me and picked me up spinning me around

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Carlisle smiled when he saw me and picked me up spinning me around.
"Perfect." I smiled and kissed him. Just then Esme came down. Carlisle and I both smiled. We said goodbye to everyone then left.

We walked around downtown and had fun. After a bit we stopped at a pier and I leaned against the rail. Carlisle kept his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.
" This is perfect." I heard Carlisle whisper. I smiled and turned so I was facing him. I put a hand on his cheek and he smiled. Esme smiled and threaded our fingers together. I squeezed her hand. After a bit Carlisle spoke.
" We do need to talk about your sister." I sighed and spoke.
" I know." I turned around and spoke.
" She'll try to get your attention and keep the attention on her. She may even try and give a meaningless apology." Carlisle rubbed my arms and spoke.
" We'll handle it. If she becomes too much of a problem we may have to turn her over." I sighed and kept quiet for a bit before talking.
" Alright. I just don't want dad to suffer." Esme spoke.
" We know. But it's the rules. If she causes a problem we have ways of handling it." I smiled and turned around. I put my hands in theirs.
" I trust you all. I told you that. I'm fine I just know it will be hard on dad if she suddenly disappears. But I'll help him get through this." Carlisle smiled and squeezed my hand.

Later I was sitting in my room when I felt something weird. I stopped reading and put a hand on my stomach. I felt a kick and I was shocked.
" Lexi?" I looked up to see Carlisle standing there. He came over.
" What is it love?" I took his hand and put it on my stomach. He felt the small kick and was shocked.
" How is this possible?"
" I don't know. But it's real." He smiled and kissed my forhead. Just then Esme came in.
" Lexa. Did you by chance pass on fertility?" I raised an eyebrow then heard it.
" Are you........." She nodded her head. Carlisle was shocked. I put my hands in his.
" Carlisle?" He spoke.
" We're going to have children?" I laughed and Esme smiled. Carlisle smiled and spoke.
" We're actually going to have children." I put my forhead against his. Esme smiled and kissed his cheek. Esme spoke up.
" The children are going to be so excited." I laughed and nodded.
" Definitely." Carlisle took both our hands.
" We have a lot of work to do." I nodded my head.
" That we do."

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoyed. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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