Two-Bit is being annoying

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*Everone meets at the Curtis house to see the puppy*

*All the girls are in the floor playing with him*

Two-Bit: So, Johnnycake, I heard you took Avianna out on a date. What'd you two do? Did you do anything bad?

Johnny: No we didn't do anything bad. We just went out to eat

Two-Bit: Awwwwww. How sweet. Tell us more.

Johnny and AviannaCade's date

*Johnny and Avianna walk hand and hand to the Dingo*

*Johnny gives Avianna his jacket because it gets windy*

*Johnny pays for Avianna's meal and then they walk to the lot*

*They talk about random things and she lays her head on his shoulder*


Johnny *blushes*: We didn't do much. That's basically it.

AviannaCade: I had fun though. *gets up off the floor and sits by Johnny*

Two-Bit: Awww cute. Now I'll have to bug Pony about his date with OnlyInDreams15 later.

OnlyInDreams15: No. You just keep your mouth shut.

Two-Bit: Well, if I'm not allowed to ask questions then I will just be the third wheel. *burst out laughing*

AviannaCade: Why don't you go on a date with Bright-Shine instead of bugging us?

Two-Bit: Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Bright-Shine do you want to go on a date with me?

Bright-Shine: No

Two-Bit: Aw why not

Bright-Shine: Just because

Two-Bit: Because why?

Bright-Shine: Because you're being annoying. I'll go on a date with you when you quit teasing them.

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