I love you

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The next day

Pony: *tries calling OnlyInDreams15 but gets no answer*

*calls again*

*leaves a voicemail*

Pony: *gives up calling and goes over to her house*

Pony: *knocks on her door*

OnlyInDreams15 *opens the door*: What do you want?

Pony: To talk to you

OnlyInDreams15: I don't want to talk

Pony: Fine. You don't have to. Just listen.

OnlyInDreams15: Fine. I'll listen

Pony: Ok. How much did you see last night.

OnlyInDreams15: You mean you and miraculer_101 kissing. I saw the whole thing. I saw you smile too.

Ponyboy: Do you know why I smiled?

OnlyInDreams15: Because you liked it.

Pony: No. Because I like you

OnlyInDreams15: What? You make no sense.

Pony: I felt nothing. Nothing like when I kiss you.

OnlyInDreams15: So? You still like her.

Ponyboy: But don't you get it. I love you. I always have and I always will. It's you who I want.

OnlyInDreams15: I love you too Ponyboy. *hugs him*

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