Girls Are Scary

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Crackmonkey125 *bursts into Ponyboy's room*: Ponyboy I-don't-know-your-middle-name Curtis! Get out of this room!

Pony: Ahhh! What are you doing?!?!

Crackmonkey125: Saving you from loneliness and depression!

Pony: Uhhh...what?

Crackmonkey125: Get. Out. Of. This. Room. Right. Now. Mister.

Pony: YOU get out of my room!

Crackmonkey125: MAKE ME!!!

Pony: *goes to push her out of his room*

Crackmonkey125: *back hands him and drags him out of the room*

Pony: Dang you are strong!

Crackmonkey125: And you're weak

Pony: Let me go!

Crackmonkey125: Ok *throws him in the floor*

Pony: You're mean!

Crackmonkey125: Haha! I know. You're lucky I'm not mad. I would fight you

Pony: Yeah....remind me not to get on your bad side.

Crackmonkey125: Now you better go apologize!

Pony: But I don't want to. I want to take a break from—

Crackmonkey125: APOLOGIZE! *grabs him by the shirt and stares into his soul*

Pony: Ah! Let go! I don't want to!

Crackmonkey125: Fine *pushes him back down* Have it your way *walks out the door*

Pony *whimpers*: Girls scare me

Steve *laughs from the kitchen*: You got beat up by a girl! Hahaha!

Pony: Shut up! She's stronger than you think!

Steve: Yeah ok. Whatever you say Horseyboy

Pony: Shut up!

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