The Choosing - Part 2

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Pony: .....myself. Because I'm sexy.

Johnny: Dude. Really?

Pony: Nah I'm joking


Pony: It's not your sister

Pony-and-me-16: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *runs away and cries*

AviannaCade: Now look what you did! Thanks a lot Ponyboy.

Pony: I didn't mean to hurt her feelings

AviannaCade: Sure you didn't

Johnny: Sugar calm down.

AviannaCade: Ugh! Come on Johnny, let's go find her

AviannaCade and Johnny have left the Group Chat.


OnlyInDreams15: ????

Queen1sa: They really are. Matter of fact, I shouldn't even be in this conversation.

Pony: You really shouldn't

Queen1sa: But I get the messages so I can just read them later 😁

Queen1sa: Get to know all dat juicy drama

Crackmonkey125: DRAMA!!!

Crackmonkey125: It sucks. But this is pretty interesting

Queen1sa: Indeed. You want to go get popcorn and watch how this unfolds?

Miraculer_101: You two are the only ones enjoying this, ya know

Crackmonkey125: Yeppers! And yesss I want popcorn!!!!

Queen1sa: Ok! Bye now! Imma go get popcorn with Crackmonkey125

Crackmonkey125: She my new friendo

Queen1sa and Crackmonkey125 have left the Group Chat.

Pony: Soooo....

OnlyInDreams15: Tell us!

Miraculer_101: Tell us. Tell us. Tell us.

Pony: Fine,''s...

Miraculer_101: SPILL!

Pony: ....we went on a date once

OnlyInDreams15: You went on a date with both of us!

Miraculer_101: THAT MEANS IT COULD BE ME!!!!!

Pony: I've kissed her

OnlyInDreams15: You've. Kissed. Both. Of. Us.

Pony: This makes the second time I've liked her. I liked her before but felt bad that I was hurting the other. That was one of the reasons I broke up with her yesterday. One was because of all the fighting. Two was because of the other girl. Ever since that date I can't seem to get over her.

OnlyInDreams15: you've been lying to me this entire time!?!? I thought you felt nothing when you kissed her!!!!

Miraculer_101: AHHHHHH!!!!!

OnlyInDreams15: I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!!!

Pony: I do...but....but

OnlyInDreams15: But you love her. I get it. I get it.


Pony: I'm sorry. I feel bad. I really do. But I can't help my feelings.

OnlyInDreams15: I should have known that you really liked her. Have a nice life

OnlyInDreams15 has left the Ground Chat.

Crackmonkey125: Dang....boys suck

Crackmonkey125: Also, I've heard some stories from Queen1sa and apparently Pony cheated on her for Miraculer girl here. Not surprising he likes her

Pony: Don't make me feel bad. I still hurt from where yo threw me

Crackmonkey125: Hahaha! You're welcome!

Miraculer_101: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *hugs Ponyboy*

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