Camping is Great

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Darry: *just about to park the truck*


Darry: Ponyboy Michael Curtis, you do not jump out of moving cars.

Soda: Like this Darry? *jumps out of the truck*

Darry: Ugh! Soda you're a bad influence on the kid.

OnlyInDreams15: I think we all are.

Two-Bit: Everyone jump out of the car! Before Superman blows up!

*everyone jumps out*

Darry: Nooo! Ahhhh!!!

Two-Bit: Oof. Superman is mad.

Pony: We should run away. *runs and hides behind a tree*

AviannaCade: Let's play hide and seek! Darry come find us! *everyone runs away*

Darry: NO! Get back in the car!

Dally: You gotta catch us first man

Darry: I hate you all.

A few hours later

Darry: Alright guys, help me set up the tents.

Steve: Ponyboy, you can sleep outside. I don't want you in my tent.

Pony: I don't want in your tent anyway, Steven. A bear will probably come and eat you in the middle of the night.

Steve: Well I'm not the one sleeping without a tent.

Darry: Stop it! I swear you all get on my nerves sometimes with all your bickering.

Bright-Shine: I feel like I'm Anti-Randle now.

AviannaCade: YASS FINALLY!!!

Darry: Cam we just get the tents up! Or would you all like to sleep on the ground tonight?

Pony: To be honest, that doesn't sound so bad

Darry: All right little man, you can sleep outside tonight.

Pony: Wait a second! Not all night! I mean, I want to watch the stars, but sleep in a tent too

Darry *sighs and shakes his head*: Then fix your stupid tent

*everyone finally gets their tents set up*

Bright-Shine: Yay it's getting dark! We can finally roast marshmallows!

Queen1sa: Soda, if yours catches on fire, don't eat it.

Soda: Now why would I do that?

Darry: I told her you've done it before

Soda: Darry *whines* You weren't supposed to tell!

Bright-Shine: Haha! Did that not hurt?

Soda: Yes

ryanmariewinston: Was it good?

Soda: Yeah it was *thinks back to the flaming marshmallow*

Winter: Can we start now?! I will eat all of the chocolate if we don't!

Joey: Maybe we should get the chocolate away from her

Queen1sa: Good plan

AviannaCade: Let's sing the campfire song song.

OnlyInDreams15: NOOOOO!!!!!

AviannaCade: C-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song!

OnlyInDreams15: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

AviannaCade: Hahahahahaha!!!!

OnlyInDreams15: Let's just roast marshmallows and make s'mores please.

*everyone makes s'mores*

Darry: Time for bed you all

ryanmariewinston: No. You're not my dad.

Darry: Well I am your car taker on this trip. And I say it's time for bed

Pony: I'm going to watch the stars

Darry: Fine

OnlyInDreams15: Me too

Two-Bit: too

*everyone plops down by Pony as an excuse to stay up*

Darry: Fine. I'm going to bed

grace_bixby: Ok! Have fun by yourself!

*everyone watches the stars for a bit until finally going to bed*

ryanmariewinston: Guys? Can we do something fun?

Miraculer_101: Yes! Truth or Dare!?

Bright-Shine: Oohh yes!

AviannaCade: ryanmarie truth or dare?

ryanmariewinston: Dare

AviannaCade: I dare you to sneak into Dally's tent

ryanmariewinston: Ahhhh fine *gets up and goes to his tent*

All the girls: *laughs*


*All the girls burst into a fit of laughter*

Bright-Shine: That was great!

*they all play random games for most of the night until finally going to bed*

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