Sleeping beauty

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******Deans P.O.V******

"Dean wake up we're going to be late for school" someone said shaking me. ugh no Samy you're such a dork shut up I wish you had a snooze button.

"Deeeeeeaaannn wakkkeee uuuppp" Sam started jumping up and down on my bed, damn it.

"Ok I'm up I'm up" I said burring my head on my pillow.

"Please Dean wake up"

"Ok fine I'm up see? I'm opening my eyes" I grunted flipping over to look up at the white boring celling. Just of the thought that I'm going to have to wake up early again made me want to snuggle up in my bed again.

"Hurry up Dean!" Sam whined. I have to admit this sight was amusing considering that even tough he his my little brother he looks like a giant mutant five year old whining because his mom won't let him go to the park.

"Ok see I'm up just let me get ready" I got up with a grunt.Half asleep half awake making my way to my dresser and picking out some black jeans and an AC/DC t-shirt.

"Shouldn't you be curling or bradding your hair?" I said looking behind me seeing that Sam was observing my every move and tapping his foot rapidly as if that would magically make me get changed faster.

"What no why would you even? Shut up Dean and hurry up!? I buckled up my pants and as soon as I finished I smoothed out the front of my shirt.

"See I'm all ready" I started walking out of our room and was picking up my backpack from the front door, when I took a quick glance at the clock. It flashed 7:15 in bright red letters, crap I did wake up late, only 15 minutes till school starts.

"Common Samy hurry up slow poke" I was rushing to the Impala, the good thing is that bobby & Ellen are working and Joe has to be very early at school today due to basketball practice. Because if they where here I would get the "you have to go to sleep early so you can be able to wake up early" speech.I opened the drivers seat to baby and turned on the radio, as Metallica blasted I drove out of the drive way.

"See I told you we where going to be late!" Sam yelled buckling up his seat belt and going to change the music.

"Hey what are you doing?" I said swatting his hand away.

"I wanted to change the station"

"No way samy you know the rules driver picks the music , shotgun shuts his cake hole"

"Fine whatever just get me to school on time" He huffed crossing his arms over his chest.


OMG hai so that was my first chapter and yea I know it was REALLY short but hai it's my first one and I'm writing this at 1 in the morning so give a girl a break!

Anyhow I hope you guys like it sooo comment your opinion for me & leave a like if you enjoyed *insert happy over preppy emoji here*

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